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cigarettes and alchohol
<<2001-12-14 - 6:14 p.m.>>

[ spinz ] this... SO funny. it's chris martin from coldplay when he cohosts some british muzak show, and he talks about drawing six blocks with a black marker on your stomach to impress the womenz. pathetic, but funny as hell.

anyway. my friend ran is telling me all aboot wiccanism. it's cool. and elissa just imed me... man, i love her! she's so awesome.

Sweet Pigs: i must now find the pelican!
AyaChanFujimiya: the... pelican?
Sweet Pigs: yes! that bird with the big ass orange beak
Sweet Pigs: i must find it!
Sweet Pigs: but i will eventually
AyaChanFujimiya: you've got a thing for big orange beaks eh?

gwahaha. i luv her. scout asked me for my number today! i felt sooo speshul, like speshuler than anyone in the whole world! craziness.

haha, chris martin is all like beat boxing and stuff. sooo funny. garr, i dunno. he has such a sweet voice!

i dunno, i really have nothing else to say. oh, except me and raj are together, yeah, it finally happened... *nods* yah, it's nice. he's SO kind. and he's not so depressed anymore. i'm gonna try to make him as happy as i can.

and that's it. and chris martin's voice is sooo soothing. yum.

- sal

ps: HAM CAME BACK TO SCHOOL! he was sick. it was crazy. everyone was like "HAMILTONNNN!!! OMG! WE MISSED YOOOOUUU!!" even the people who sling poo about him behind his back. it was good to see him again.

ok, that's it for real now.

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