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the wheel is turning but the hamster is long gone
<<2002-01-18 - 6:24 p.m.>>

[ spinz ] welcome to tijuana manu chao

YES! i luv manu chao. today in math class i had nothing to listen to so i borrowed sam's manu chao cd, cuz he said it was good. after the first three minutes i was sooo in love. i really recommend it. manu was in a band before he went solo called mano negra... they're really good too.

let's see... well, in about half an hour i'm going out with a couple friends to see the "school play" of sorts - since i go to a hippie school, people are putting on underground, student-directed plays all the time. this is the "compleat wrks of wm. shkspr" (complete works of will shakespeare, for the uninitiated or slow) and it's being performed by the three funniest guys in school. it'll be fun. i hope i don't fall asleep or anything, though. i'm really tired.

tomorrow i have detention at school from 9-12. don't want to go. after that my dad's picking me up and i'm spending the rest of the weekend with him, which sucks, because i would have liked to do somethin with scout. oh well. i bet he'll lecture me about homework, surprise surprise.

oh, btw, i made a small tweak to the layout. i fixed up some bothersome stuff and put up new pics at the top of the current and older page. very fitting, no?

today was pretty cool. i don't remember anything about my classes, except for borrowing sam's cd, because i was sleeping through them for the most part. i do remember during our D block me and sam sat around and read gay mags. "the advocate," haha. sam is in love with danny from the real world seattle (i think it was seattle? or chicago? damn, now i forgot...) so we're going to stalk danny down and set the two of them up. yay! i also made some new friends, which was cool. (I sound like a dork, haha.)

so anyway, that's it, because i have to go get something to eat and fix up my hideous face before i leave.

ps: talk about a mood killer... my ex just IMed me, so he could make fun of my friends. boys are sooo gross.

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