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death to a few good men
<<2002-04-04 - 12:23 pm>>

i am eeeeeeeeeevil. we had that two week vacation, and during that time i didnt think of school even once. so i've forgotten everything. especially french, which is a problem. i have it for two more mods... KILLLL

anyway, i copied my french notes onto my hand, because we have a quiz today. fucking quizzes. our french teachers are QUIZ WHORES. that's all they do. i'm serious. they get some perverse pleasure out of watching us SUFFER AND DIE beneath their bare hands. sam threatened to eat denise's grading pen if she didn't give him something higher than a C+ in the whole of his cambridge school of weston career. that was amusing. i think denise has trouble handling american humor. she never seems to laugh at our jokes. maybe it's because we're incredibly crude and immature. hmmm. i must ponder this.

anyway, marci (one of my teachers) and a few other people are eating pizza in the next room and talking about getting high. that's amusing, but i am hella hungry and wanting that pizza. it smells sooo yummy and greasy and cheesy. (mm... grease... cheese... the epitome of american culture) grrr. stupid eliot gets pizza because... i don't know why. because he's stupid. grrrrawr.

let's see... what else... oh, i haven't actually started working on my fourth jeff chapter, which is slightly perplexing. i don't want to sound all therapisty about it, but i think something is holding me back. that, or i am just a lazy fuck. i shall have to ponder this as well.

wow, that pizza... it's like calling my name.....

we only just got back a few days ago, but already i'm really, really hating it. ah, routine. the bane of my existence. seriously, though - my classes are like death. i hate them. a whole bunch of my friends caught some sort of suspicious "sickness" that has kept them out of school for several days in a row, but miraculously they are not SO AILING that they cannot go to harvard square and max out their daddy's credit card. seriously, though, my immune system is way too healthy and strong. i haven't gotten sick enough to miss more than one day of school in a long time. i'm thinking i should pick up a hobby like heroin or something.

so i guess that joke brings me back to the fact that my extremely polite and well-brought up french teacher never laughs at american humor.

anyway, about the pride march. well, that's not totally cleared up yet. but, against ALL OF THE ASPECTS OF MY BETTER JUDGEMENT, i asked this stupid lesbian poser girl to come with. she was like "oh yeah i'll bring my pride shirt!" which isn't really a pride shirt, it's this tacky piece of shit that she made in like sixth grade and has rainbows on it. ummmm. i even told her it was tacky. i think i offended her. but then she was like "blah blah blah yeah maybe i'll bring my boyfriend and rub it in your face" and i was like "wow... now i remember WHY I AM A TOTAL IDIOT"

ps: I AM THE HTML GOD! everyone go look at roberta's diary. i would link it, but it's being totally wonky and fruity, so just go to http://robertahay.diaryland.com. and if you didn't know that, THEN YOU'RE NOT MY FRIEND ANYWAY. (i love that line...)

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