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you only live twice
<<2002-10-05 - 5:40 pm>>

my new diary, syndir guds. i think it's probably mostly gonna be devoted to sigur ros worship.

speaking of which, i guess they've kind of taken coldplay's place. but in a very small way. i don't feel a fraction for sigur ros of what i felt for coldplay. and i fucking love sigur ros. so, you know.

for my own benefit this is my rank of my favorite sigur ros members, in order of how much i love them:

1. orri (subject to change)

2. jonsi (subject to change)

3. kjarri/kjartan (subject to change)

4. georg (depending on what he does with his hair, also subject to change)

i was browsing around my old diary entries and i saw that i had ordered sigur ros's two first albums, von and von bridgi/brigdi/whatever, on september seventh. they weren't sent out until september thirtieth. how fucking patient was i? someone give me a fucking gold medal. they said it would only take a week to get here though... so i have two or three more days to wait, at most. which is beautiful because in two or three days i'm going back to school (since my mod ended we have a four-day mod break- more about that in the next entry i guess) which means i'll be getting the albums just in time to suffer through my new classes. AND then twenty days after that, i'll be buying the BRAND NEW SIGUR ROS ALBUM. and THEN a week and a half after THAT coldplay are releasing "the scientist" as their new single plus b-sides. just because they make me more depressed than anything right now doesn't mean i won't buy their cds.

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