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"we don't need no education"
<<2002-10-08 - 5:14 pm>>

new background picture from sigur-ros.co.uk. it's too bad orri's (swoon!) face is hidden by flowers, jonsi (who is SMILING?????) is tucked away behind orri (swoon!) and kjartan looks like a bearded monkey. georg looks creepy too. i can just imagine what's going through his head: "too much publicity makes goggi a dull boy..."

anyway. i spent the better part of my day (8.15am - 2.00pm) with a small herd of four year olds, picking apples and just bonding with the kids, which was ultra shitty because i won't really be able to spend time with them for the rest of the year. it sucks. alot. i'm gonna miss them. and i have to go back to school tomorrow, since mod break is over. only for three days. but still. shit. and we don't get columbus day (next monday) off. because my school is an institution of nazis. not really though.

okay, for those of you who read my diary and don't know the inner workings of my school (which is probably most of you), we get assigned three courses per mod. a mod is a module, which lasts about five weeks. this mod, i had american history, french II, and school service, where they assigned me to the children's garden. each class is an hour and a half. when each mod ends, we get a four day break. are you jealous now?


i took like 20 pictures of all the little kids so when i get those developed i'm totally scanning all of them.

i went to coldplay.com today against my better judgment. i don't really know why except i was kind of curious. i haven't listened to any coldplay for a while now... probably a couple weeks. if i didn't know that so many people who i actually talked to on a daily basis read my diary, then i probably would launch into a three-page-long lecture about my feelings concering coldplay and sigur ros and music and boys. but i won't.

well, maybe i will. later.

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