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happy 2003, you damn yanks
<<2003-01-01 - 12:21 am>>

i got a gold membership for my diary! how about that for awesome?

anyway. happy new year. i think i am going to start paying more attention to this diary now that i paid $30 for it. ahahah.

oh, right- happy new year.

Which EmoGame super hero are you??

brought to you by Quizilla
that makes me cry. but i guess that's just god's way of punishing me for being a dirty sinning dyke.

my kazaa playlist:
black heart procession - tropics of love
neutral milk hotel - two headed boy
the new analog - how could you have let me down?
AHAHAHA. oh avril. what have i done?


evilrabidsheep: "you'll first have sex at age 16, in a foreign country."
evilrabidsheep: probably like an 8 year old boy in thailand or something

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