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i wanna be a kennedy
<<2001-11-12 - 2:13 a.m.>>

okay, well, tonight really really sucks officially. please discredit that last entry, it was so not my fault. that was the ritalin talking i swear... i'd delete it, but i think it's amusing, because i barely remember writing it, and i'm a stupid sentimental dickface anyway. (actually i'm not a dickface.. i think that's a guy thing.) anyway, tonight sucks because stuff that isn't supposed to happen keeps happening or it happens out of order. like, i feel incredibly incredibly sick right now, but like, there's no reason for me to. or something. that was a bad example. but i just keep thinking of things that i wanna say AFTER i've made an entry in my diary. i snuck (haha, snuck) on my mom's comp to use cchat since it doesn't work on my comp, but i totally forgot why i had snuck (SNUCK haha) on, and now i'm in cchat and - wow, surprise surprise - it sucks major dickage. hmmm.. i'm talking to ahmed and wifey. it's kinda boring... okay, well, since i have nothing to do and nothing to say, i'll make my list of things i need to do tomorrow:

1. rent the bird cage, velvet goldmine, crying game, that other movie with al pacino, and that one more movie that i'm forgetting, and the doors if i can, and the wall also if i can, and willow, because wifey told me to.

2. shower for as long as possible, because i hate the fucking cold weather. arg.

3. call jay and cloud if i can find a fonio card

4. light a fire in the old fireplace that we never use and sit so close to it my eyebrows singe off

and that's about it. oh, and finish reading that goddamn book watership down. i hate that book. well, it's actually getting better, i guess...

lmfao, me and ahmed are joking around like mad... he's so funny when he doesn't try to be, it's really cute. yay, that bubba sparxxx song just came on. i'm sitting in the comp room with the tv turned way up in the other room and i'm wiggling in my chair. it's way too late at night for this to be legal.

oh, i do have something to say, even tho it's really, really irrelevant... okay, so, i use my mom's comp alot and she knows it and blah blah no one cares, so yeah. so anyway, she got all pissed at me because she thought i broke her printer, and iwas like "do0d, it's not my fuckin fault you have a crappy ass computer." so she made me come down here and fix it, because i'm the only one on the family that knows diddlysquat about computers, and then i spilled my juice on her keyboard and she tried to make me clean it up and i couldn't stop laughing so she had to clean it up herself, and then she got really angry. wtf...that was stupid.

that isn't all that happened today tho. i hung about with my partner in crime emielle (dude... i'm not even sure if that's how you spell her name and i've known her for two months now) and we got coffee and spit it on some flowers, it was so second grade but fun as hell. i love her to deeattthhhh. she's so funny! gah! it's lethal whenever we get together, cuz we usually end up pissing our pants laughing. wow... now that i'm thinking about her, i miss her lots. she lives like, ten minutes away, too. she's so funny - she's always poking fun at me for liking really uncute girls, and i'm always making fun of her for liking dorky guys. (but i like dorky guys too. pff.)

okay, well, this entry is just about dead. so good bye.

Ye Olde Merry End

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