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O Girlfriend
<<2001-11-13 - 3:39 a.m.>>

i asked a friend of mine what he thought of school, and he summed it up pretty well:

"kids at our school compare cell phones like they compare dick size. 'does yours have mobile web? text messaging? how many numbers do you have in your phone book? hey, fuckface, mine is silver and yours isn't. ouch.' it's so lame."

and he was right. so very, very right.

anyway, i'm making yet another fucking entry because i fucking can. and i'm on the good computer (the term good of course being like, used very very loosely, since this computer is supposed to be kicking ass and taking names but really does nothing much at all, ever) so i'm gonna fucking write. and if you think i'm lame for making so many annoying little entries, then fuck you.

i hate boarding school. i hate it. i hate it. i miss her all ready. but no more on that. *snaps her fingers*

hm. i'm freezing. and i'm drinking iced tea and wearing my brother's fishy boxers and no socks. *brrr* once a dumbass, forever a dumbass. the story of my life.

i'm also listening to weezer, which is a very, very good thing. i wish i was on an island in the sun, and i wasn't so bloody fucking cold.

wanna know something depressing? i didn't rent ANY of those movies i planned to rent. none! not a flipping one! but i did shower. it was nice. i smell like the ocean. i think.

aahhh dude... i feel so trippy today... oh, i talked to schu and her ultrasexymofo british friend on the phone. he said a total of like, two things, but he was still an ultrasexymofo. know why? because that's what british people are. and if you're british, i hope i just made your day.

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