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<<2001-11-14 - 8:00 p.m.>>

[ spinz ] automatic utada hikaru

AAAAAAAHHHHH! O___O I LOVE BRETT SCALLIONS SOOO MUCH XD!!!! ommggg.. too hot... X.x *fans herself* oh my XD he has the coolest voice too *_* it's all manly and "ARR!!!" and.. um... stuff. XD he's so kickass! AAAAAAHHH!!! *rolls around* i wish i could find more really good pictures of him, cuz he's gorgeous, ladies, he really is. btw, for those of you too stupid to actually know who he is, he's the lead singer of the band FUEL =D fuel kicks my ass. i love them! i only have their second cd, unfortunately. i want the first! YEEEEEEE! O_O *is like all fangirly now!* LOL WTF?! O_o;;;he's the second most enduring bishie obsession i have >>;; i mean like, irl bishie o.O not anime bish o_O;;; the first most enduring (enduring lol >> i find new obsessions like i breathe u.U) bishie is that guy on the far right. recognize him? prolly cuz i went completely and utterly crazy with pics a couple days ago o_O or was that yesterday? okay so it wasn't crazy, but it was more than i usually link. >>;; yeah, that's jon crosby, my ultimate idol ^___^;; ok, yeah. i'm finished.

the end.

- arslan

quote of the day: VAST kicks my ass.

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