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the modern age
<<2001-11-20 - 6:05 p.m.>>

{ ear candy } i dunno, but it sounds like noel gallagher on speed o_O


i'm happy.

school is bad. (skewl is not kewl.) i'm sooo sick of it. i want it to end. i want it to DIE.

in a few weeks i have math and french. AAAAHHHHH!!!!!

why haven't i updated in a while? tis vexing indeed.

i'm going to mom's friend's house for thanksgiving dinner, then rachel's house afterwards for yummy dessert. ben and i are gonna probly do something, and maybe me and jay could too - except i think he's grounded? i can't remember. i don't know what schu's doing, and no one else is interesting enough (except for emielle, who's going to nj or something absurd for thanxgiving break.) so basically i'm stuck here doing nothing except watching movies for five days. ooo, but i can finish devil may cry! WOOT! awesomeness. coolies. woot.

i am so bored.

someone im me (AyaChanFujimiya) or email me ([email protected]) or SOMETHING FOR THE LOVE OF - ohh, wraith just invited me to chat.

offer still stands.

- slade

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