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trying your luck
<<2001-11-26 - 9:23 p.m.>>

[ spinz ] hits from the bawng (XD) cypress hill

i really have nothing much left to say... *yawns* i haven't done all of my homework yet. i'll do it tomorrow morning. ^_^

only about three more weeks til xmas break! WUT!!!!

well, some bad things are happening. lots of people are starting to annoy/dislike me.

1) jay is avoiding me and giving me the cold shoulder BIG TIME.. it hurts, though i wish it didn't. ;_; i'm trying to be nice, but it's not working, so i'm distancing myself from him as much as possible. oh well. i thought we'd be friends for at least a little longer... too bad. ^^;;

2) AMALIA!!! AAAHHHH!!! PHONKING BIOTCH!!! she thinks she's the shiznit, she think's she's SO GREAT!! wtf >_< she is SO MEAN to everyone because she has no heart. she makes me so angry. she's mean to the people i dislike sometimes, but still... she's just mean for no reason. she's mean to the people i DO like too. and then she's nice to the gross people. i don't understand it. i just really dislike her. i have a feeling she feels the same way.

3) regular same old ppl... ben, lani, etc. ugh. ben. gross.


quote of the day that can be applied to anything: "that is the highest concentrated mass of ebil i have ever seen."

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