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for me this is heaven
<<2001-11-27 - 6:18 p.m.>>

[ spinz ] bleed american jimmy eat world

OMGGG!!! O_O i am so in love with jimmy eat world. they are so good. and rick burch is totally yum. >D

anyway... i don't really have much to say. *sighs* i have a test tomorrow in science, and my quiz corrections for history - on which i got a big fat F - are due tomorrow, plus lots of reading and some writing. i really should do it. *sighs again and rubs her forehead* i just really don't want to. oh well. anyway, study hall was fun today... me and vanessa were all really bored (i brought my headphones w/me to school today, i THOUGHT i had brought the cd player itself but it appeared i hadn't... so i walked around without music all day today ;_;) so we asked mary, the teacher, if we could play hangman on the board. she said yes, a little reluctantly, so me and nessa played some tic tac toe (she beat me like a hundred times! AAAHHH! i can't even play tic tac toe! i'm screwed!!) and then we were playing hangman, and i kept doing really EBIL words... i did "ejaculation" and "julian is a seksay biotch" and "DO ME NOW" and stuff. she did stupid shakespeare quotes XP and there were two erases on the board - one that was magnetic, and stuck to it, and another just regular one that didn't stick. so vanessa was using the magnetic one and i was TOTALLY MYSTIFIED as to why it stuck on! so i kept trying to make MY eraser, which wasn't magnetic, stick on the board but it wouldn't! so finally we had to leave the room and laugh ourselves silly out in the hall. LMFAO! but anyway john (this really cool but a little "chronically stoned" type of guy) decided to play hangman with us. he did "time to die, mr. bond," and then mary let us leave.

and that was my day, children.

- slade

ps: oh damn. all that laughing gave me the hiccups.

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