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disorder and disarray
<<2001-12-01 - 10:24 p.m.>>

[ spinz ] punk gorillaz

okay, just to offset the shiteness of that last "entry" i'm gonna make another. i've got a fan! well.. he's not really a fan, since i know him irl, but i made a friend of mine get a diary! everyone visit ham's diary straightaway! also, im him, he's hidaka420. (sshh, don't tell him i said that =D) he's really cool. he's my bitch. yup.

anyway, today was lame, and i have that goddamn timeline project hanging over my head. plus this one person (no names mentioned) is taunting me for not having beaten devil may cry -_-

i dunno, i have nothing to say. the end. O_o

- slade

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