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bunny in the city
<<2001-12-02 - 9:06 p.m.>>

[ spinz ] hotel yorba white stripes

argh. i am one big walking bundle of ouchies today. i pulled a muscle in my abdomen or somethin, and there's a huge arse bruise on my left hip and the backs of my legs are sore.

but it's all good. know why? i'll give you two reasons. one, because at vast's now-defunct former homepage they have these little mixer thingies where you can take three clips from a vast song and mix them together and that sounds stupid but it's in actuality alot of fun. it's lots of fun. mhmm.

oh and the second reason is because i realized my timeline project that i've been worried about is really simple and may perhaps take me less than an hour.


- slade

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