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in isolation
<<2001-12-06 - 9:35 p.m.>>

[ spinz ] bigger stronger coldplay

tonight's achievements: made ahmed laugh. ate no dinner, walked dog instead. played no ps2. (*fingers twitch*)

progress on homework: 0%


lay off the mary jane, chris martin. funniest quote tonight: "PRANCE ABOUT FOR SAGGY OLD MEN!" source: yours truly. ^_~

i really have nothing to say... ahaha, how cute is this? very cute indeed. you know what's scary? maybe i've said this before, but chris martin can go about two octaves higher than i can when he sings. is that a bad sign? i heard coldplay started work on their new disc, or that at least ten songs had already been penned for it. the article i read said "work will begin in may", but it didn't specify which may - 2001 or 2002. i'll have to check oot their ultra spiffy non-official website that has all the really good stuff about them. there's a really uber spiffy fanlisting for them too. i just like the graphics. yum. it's kind of crazy how far coldplay has spread - there's sites from hong kong in the listing. did you see that, chris?! you guys are huge. =D *talks to herself o_O* anyway... oh yeah, did you know parachutes was banned in china because they thought the song "spies" was a rail against communism? crazy lah. that's gotta be good for publicity. for coldplay, i mean. go look it up and read the story, it's pretty interesting. coldplay themselves haven't had much of a reaction though.

ok, i hafta go now. it's late, or relatively so, and i haven't done my homework.

TOMORROW IS FRIDAY. do you know what this means? no, you don't, do you. didn't think so. i will tell you. tomorrow is friday. you will approach random people as you are walking down the street or through the mall or whatever and you will give them a firm hug round the waist.

that is all.

- slade

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