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my name is tom brokaw for nbc news. i'm hammered.
<<2001-12-18 - 7:05 p.m.>>

[ spinz ] nardwuar's interview with the strokes

"SMELL THE GLOVE, JULIAN! SMELL THE GLOVE!!" smell the glove! GOD, SO FUNNY! julian has THE coolest voice. it took me a second to get used to, because i expected his voice to be a little.. i dunno... more "arr." *blinks* i dunno, it's funny as hell. julian doesn't quite know what to make of this guy, and nick's kind of like, "umm... yeah."

nardwuar: now, nick. good cheekbones. are good cheekbones important in the band?

nick: ... no. sorta like, secondary, ya know?

nick says "like" and "i dunno" waaay too much. julian just stutters. he says "ya know" too. and his words are totally slurred all the time, like he's chronically drunk. and HOLY GOD he swears so much XD

nardwuar: you guys have high ambitions. high ambitions. you guys wanna be the next skid row, right?

jul & nick: ...sure.

oh man, too cute. julian is sooo awesome.

julian: *in the middle of saying something*

nardwuar: *totally randomly* why are you going away, nick?

nick: [voice all in the background like] i'm not going away

me: *falls out of her chair laughing*

i listened to my vast cd again a little while ago. i used to get these little chills down my spine because the music was so beautiful, and now that chill is gone. you must think i'm so stupid for saying that, but it's really true, and it kinda depresses me.

but believe me, i'm not complaining. i've got julian. ^_~

- sal

ps: i decided because i'm running out of song names and i really only listen to a select few cds now and i have funny titles (well, they're funny to me, dammit) so i'm going to stop naming my entries with song names.

that is all.

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