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your mother was a hamster! tomorrow is xmas eve...
<<2001-12-24 - 12:42 a.m.>>

[ spinz ] fuck a dog blink 182

i feel like such a dirty poser pop loving freak, but...


i love them. i think they are SOOOO funny. i feel like such a loser because everyone else loves them too, but COME ON! you can't help but love them, they're soo funny. except a lot of people hate them, so i guess you can help not loving them.

but i can't. i love them.

okay. i'm finished. anyway, today was super busy. ham called me at like, eleven am, and then i went over to his house barely awake. i gave him his present and he gave me mine (he got me SOOO much strokes stuff! i was so happy! i have the poster up on my wall and the pins are on my backpack, i feel so sexy and strokesified!!!) and then we hung around and then i left. and then i went back home and it turns out this girl called me and wanted to do something.

ok, now, before you all go and point the "lesbian!!" finger at me, i'm not. i don't even think i'm bi. or maybe i am, but i certainly prefer guys. anyway, now that i'm finished with this disclaimer... this girl is fucking HOT. like, i cannot stress this enough. she is GORGEOUS. she has this perfect blonde hair with sorta light brown roots and beautiful beautiful bright blue eyes and long lashes and a gorgeous smile and cute cheeks and pointed chin, and she's got this perfect body and wears really nice clothes, and loves good music. i love her. and she's so funny and cute! i love her, aahhh! okay. done. anyway, we hung around and we went to the mall (sooo dorky we are) and we got her older brother a present. lmfao, we got him two little one-pound (bright pink, i must add) weights and some toe warmers. i was like "wow, toe warmers, that's fabulous, since it's like seventy degrees out." and then she was like "hey, you put these UNDER your toes... that's funny, i woulda thought you put them on your FOREHEAD." and then i told her about the time when i read on some chainsaw package or something that the directions said "do not attempt to stop blade with head or genitalia" or something. i thought it was SO funny!

ok, and then we hung around my house and played with my dogs and cat and watched "dogma" (AWESOME MOVIE, btw) and then i brought her home and we talked to my dad and played with HER dogs and then i went to feed my friend's cats and then went home and listened to some blink182. oh, and i got a present from my dad. coolest present ever, and one i actually NEEDED, which is a rarity - i had a baby g watch that i never took off and then i broke it somehow. beats me. anyway so i was watchless for waaay too long, since i'm such a time whore, and then he got me the coolest watch ever! it's a baby g, but it's silvery on the face, and the band is clear plastic, and it's really new agey and kickass, and i bet it's better than YOUR watch. haha.

anyway. i dunno. i dled this really cute song by guided by voices and the strokes (well, julian really) and julian's totally drunk (you can tell!) and it's just a really good song. he swears so much.

i love potty mouthed guys.

oh, and i got this AWESOME song by placebo called "miss moneypenny" and the BEST part is when brian chants "0898 007..." and it's really good and i love it and you should download it.

theeeee end.

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