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all star me
<<2001-12-31 - 8:13 p.m.>>

[ spinz ] bigger stronger coldplay

hmm... i've downloaded a whole crapload of coldplay songs in the last few days. some of them were actually by another band who weren't that bad. but it's not coldplay, so i deleted it. o_O; i got 17 or 18 coldplay songs and a few non-coldplay songs. i'm getting "meet me in the bathroom"!! shw33t! i can't wait to hear it. i love the strokes.

ok, this is the cool thing... at ff.net, i posted that strokes fic i had been ranting about for weeks, and it was the first strokes fic on ff.net - and i totally opened the floodgates. now it's suddenly the cool thing to post your strokes fics. weird, innit? it's cool though.. i started a fad. i am the century's best trendsetter. sw33t. not enough slash though. it would suck if all these dumb newbies just started writing stupid het stories that had no plot. because het stories with no plot are bad. of course, slash with no plot is good. obviously.

hmm.. what else. i dunno. lol, has anyone seen the new y! messenger? it's really stupid, but i'd download it just for the "imvironments". some of them are REALLY funny. me and nami just spent about an hour making weird faces at each other with this one messed up imvironment. it sounds stupid, but it... yeah. it is stupid.

i went to the mall today wif my mom, which wasn't as bad as it sounds, except she talked too much about how much the year sucked. stupid new years, making people dwell on dumb crap. anyway. i got tekken 3 and tony hawk pro-skater (sweeeeet) and i got lots of clothes, including a.. drumroll please... SAVES THE DAY SHIRT from hot topic!!! now, does that rock the house, or WHAT? i love my std shirt. i will wear it forever. i love it. mwwah.

i got some other shirts too but that's not important.

the end.

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