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my hopes are so high that your kiss might kill me...
<<2001-12-31 - 3:28 a.m.>>

[ spinz ] so impossible dashboard confessional

yawn. chris carrabba rocks. i think that's how you spell his name. hmm.. yeah. i don't know. i downloaded lots of coldplay songs. they're really nice, especially "be careful where you stand" (i think that's the name). chris martin has the gorgeousest voice ever. hm. i had something to say but i forgot.

i got my warn level up to 100% on aim today. me and rachel had a warn war. sadly, that's the kind of thing that makes me laugh hardest these days...

wtf... check out habbo.com. so fucked up. and yet.. so amusing. my favorite is their policy on swearing. *snickers*

- sal

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