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pa pa PARN!
<<2002-01-06 - 5:18 p.m.>>

[ spinz ] nothing right now.

hi. this is a beautiful pic. i was a little weirded out by it at first but i think it's nice now. i have a cut on my lip and it really, really hurts. ;_; i saw "the royal tenenbaums" today and i cried like a BITCH! it's an awesome movie. i totally recommend it. a little long but very nice. i'm also having problems writing "royal". i type "yoral" repeatedly.... and it's driving me crazy.

what else... hmm.. i have some homework to do tonight. playwriting. i have to write a two page play about conflict and inner dialogue. any ideas?

me neither.

these past few days i have become extremely extremely annoyed with ALL of my friends. i dislike them. i want to be a hermit. i wonder why. maybe because they're all losers and they suck? people are so insensitive. i'm just sick of it. it really pisses me off. if one more person disses the strokes i swear to god i am going to scream and/or claw their eyes out.

jebus. i mean, okay. one of my new year's resolutions was (and we all know how long these things last)was that no matter how lowly i thought of anything i would NOT DISS IT ALOUD.

person: i like britney spears.
me: oh? yeah, i think she's okay. i don't really listen to her stuff though.

notice how i tactfully did not vocalize what i was ACTUALLY thinking which was "she's a dumb stupid whore and can't sing a note for her life. i hope she gets cancer from her breast implants and dies a terrible, brutal death." and thus, the world was a much happier place.

i get annoyed by the weirdest things, don't i?

ps: dan: if you could be anyone in the whole world who would you be?
me: umm... julian casablancas. why?
dan: just checking to see if you secretly wanna be a man. you fail.

mara: i bet whenever julian gets up i bet the first thing that comes to his mind is "i am sexy"

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