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<<2002-01-17 - 7:52 p.m.>>

[ spinz ] nothin

heeey. a couple things to tell ya. hm... good news or bad news first? i'll go for good news.

well, let's see. today was REALLY crappy. i slept most of it, which was annoying. but in french class, keeler sat next to me. i've always thought keeler was kinda cute but never thought we'd ever trade any words but he was SO NICE to me. he's totally hyper - not like i expected him to be at all. he tore up this little slip of paper and he was like, waving the pages of his book to make the paper shreds fly everywhere, and the teacher got sooo angry at us. it was adorable! i thought he'd be really... i dunno... he'd have a sort of humorous sense of humor, you know? O.o like he'd make jokes, he wouldn't fool around. it's hard to say what i mean... but at my school, everyone is "too cool" to do stupid stuff, just immature crap like flapping the pages of your book and making your paper fly in the teacher's face. that's how they're boring. but keeler wasn't like that. he's so immature. i love it.

let's see, what else... oh, yeah. in addition to making icons, i've also started making wallpaper. i've got one of hikki, a couple random anime ones, hanakimi, weiss kreuz, and the strokes. i'd make an ffx one, but they've all been made already. i'm gonna make a placebo and a coldplay one too. i'll post em later or something.

some bad stuff... let's see. well, this saturday morning i have 9-12 detention. how much does that suck? i'm still falling behind in homework too. and last night was one of the worst nights i've had in a long time. everyone was depressed. EVERYONE. it was terrible. luckily it was just people online, so i could've signed off at any time and gotten away from it, but i dunno. i'm a loser. i didn't feel like it. one guy said this to me last night, completely unprovoked: "you try to attract attention by saying odd random things because you know that if you're not unique your just some random idiot with no friends." my first instinct is to deny this, but i dunno. maybe it's true, maybe it's not. maybe it's just how i am, or maybe he's right. who cares, anyway? it just hurt. he's a random idiot with less than no friends anyway, so i'm not especially offended. argh.

and another thing that's been kind of distressing me... well, it's a long story. i'll tell you what i know. ok, so, tuesday night, scout called a friend of hers (i think the friend's name was betsy). betsy's busy, says she'll call back, but never does. scout gets really worried, and calls again and leaves some msgs, but betsy still hasn't called back. thus, scout is SUPER DEPRESSED, though i can't for the life of me figure out why. um.. big deal. so she's a little busy, can't call back. this is not the end of the world. but anyway. by thursday, betsy still hasn't called back, and scout is extremely embittered, rejected and depressed. i dunno. it's just annoyin. luckily she wasn't completely like that all day. she had her scout moments, where her smile shined through. i just wish i could make her feel better. i wonder if anyone would ever get depressed on my behalf.


i still love dan, btw. :D

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