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the days are just packed
<<2002-02-10 - 4:22 a.m.>>

[ spinz ] nothing!

i've snuck onto my mom's computer because i'm a lamer. anyway. there's lots of things to say!

i'll just say everything i did today in order. lamely. first, i woke up at about 11 and then went with my mom and bro to go see this odd play called "stone cold dead serious" at the american rep. it was pretty good, i guess. fucked up in a major way, but entertaining. this was my mom's birthday celebration - her birthday was yesterday. she's fifty-seven, can you believe that? christ. but anyway. so then we went out for dinner at a japanese place and i got this beef & scallions thing but it was SOOOOOOO gross, so i picked out all the scallions and just ate the beef, and then i had this huge mountain of nasty green scallions on my plate. but they had absolutely fucking delicious salad there. mmm... salivating on the keyboard...

so then after that, we came home and i lounged around for a while. i got started on the seventh chapter of my coldplay slash story, which is cool. it's getting harder and harder for me to write, but the pull of it isn't gone yet. i've kind of got a good idea, but i'm not really sure how to pull it off. i'm also not sure how to bring jonny and chris together finally, and whether i'll make them hop on the good foot and do the bad thing or what. cuz their romance just seems so innocent, i dunno if i could bring myself to make them boff. but that's later. much later. so anyway, enough about that...

mwahaha, this just totally made my half hour. :D

ok and so then after that, at about midnight, me and my mom went to go pick up my lovely aunt susan at the train station. she came down to celebrate mum's birthday too. on the drive there we talked about how freaky it is that they're picking out like nearly 100 priests that have molested kids. it's HELLA freaky. and then i stared out the window at all the extremely hot guys that hang out at the train station, and i was thinking about what a fucking awesome site the train station would be for a music video, and i talked to one of the adorable guys who looked kind of lost. i didn't help him much but he said i was nice. yay! so anyway after that little escapade we took my aunt home, and she talked to me about all kinds of stuff and i talked about music and movies and stuff. she's never heard of the strokes OR velvet goldmine. she did agree that ewan mcgregor was hot shit, though. very rad.

so then after that they just went to sleep and i sat downstairs and watched the end of velvet goldmine for the third time in the last two days. and then i rewound it to the part where they have that closeup of curt and brian kissing. the scene where brian's dressed like a ringleader and he's talking to those reporter guys in suits and they laugh at everything he says and shannon's holding the cue cards - undoubtedly that's my favorite scene. probably because they kiss like whores at the very end. it is a cool scene, though, i had fun trying to interpret what exactly it was. that movie just continuously totally blows my mind over and over again. i can't believe i didn't see it the first time i watched it. i need to buy it.

OH! and i almost forgot, the really really special part of my day - i sent 8 bucks to this guy in england, and he's gonna give me a strokes poster and postcard. a bit of a ripoff, yes, but oh man i would pay ANYTHING for a strokes poster. mmmm... yes! oh god yes! haha. seriously though. i accidentally wrote his address upside down on the envelope, so i really hope he doesn't think i'm some kind of fucking idiot. haha.

so anyway... that's it... i just wanted to make an entry. i also wanted to say that no matter what ANYONE SAYS, strokes fans ARE the best fans. no bullshit. i swear.

hm. yeah.

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