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<<2002-02-13 - 3:50 p.m.>>

[ spinz ] nothing

i'm at school! sam is sitting two seats away from me and we're talking on aim. it's hilarious. we're talking smack about this annoying girl and then we're like "NOOO WE ARENT TALKING ABOUT YOU."

hmm... yeah... i'm really supposed to be doing homework. it's quite odd. aaand... well, i got lots of info on maximilien de robespierre. what a fucknut he was, seriously! he was like, the testosterone-pumped icon of the century. what an assy guy. hmm, what else... i have a little bit of french homework but that doesn't worry me, haha. of course it doesn't; french requires NO BRAIN POWER at all! i also got like, two chapters of my coldplay story done. speaking of which me and scout are a-ok now... yeah, we hung out a bit today. i feel like all i did today was laugh like a moron. which i did. i do that everyday. speaking of laughing like an idiot, there's a new gay mag in the library. me and sam flipped through it for a while. i made him a valentine too that says "DO ME NOW" and then signed it from his crush. i made one for elissa too!

ok, now i gotta go. bus is leaving. EEK!

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