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we are the boys!
<<2002-02-22 - 7:36 pm>>

[ muzak ] ballad of maxwell demon shudder to think

"shudder to think" is a really odd name for band, don't you think? speaking of which, i relayed the fact that i play the guitar to sam and micah today and both invited me to join their bands. well, not really invited - they sort of claimed me. sam's band is called the platonics. cool, ain't it? not sure what micah's band is called. i'm sure they were joking, but i would like to play for sam sometime.

wow, so today was the best friday i've had in a VERY LONG TIME. first of all school just rocked because it just did and everything i did no matter how lame it was just totally filled me with this sense of well-being, and it was totally fab. i don't even remember WHAT the hell happened at school but it must've been pretty slick. anyway, so moving on. after i got home i was sitting around on my lazy ass for a while just feeling good, and this chick named alex like TOTALLY randomly ims me. turns out she's a weiss kreuz fan and she loves hot guys and she's probably the craziest cutest little otaku i've ever met.

DeathScythe1990: moooo
AyaChanFujimiya: Oooom
DeathScythe1990: YVAN EHT NIOJ
AyaChanFujimiya: SAEP RUOY TAE
DeathScythe1990: SGGE EKIL I
DeathScythe1990: TOH SI GIDLUCHS
DeathScythe1990: CRAP
DeathScythe1990: i spelled his name wrong -.-

she's just adorable. i love her. she's sooo entertaining.

DeathScythe1990: Sephiroth on a stick! Ah hah hah hah....::evil smile::
AyaChanFujimiya: Aahhh yes, I'd like Sephy on a stick, and some Vincent fries with that
DeathScythe1990: and add some Reno Ketchup! XD

hehe... she brings me great joy.

but the great joy doesn't end there, oh no no nooooo! after i finished being completely off my trolly with alex, my mom took me out for sushi and then i used my great new craploads of money to buy about FOUR BILLION cds. here's what i got, because i'm so excited.

the velvet goldmine ost (which i'm listening to right now, i love it i love it OMG I LOVE IT, ahhh... whew, sorry.), "the final rip off" from monty python (YES! MP ROCKS), veni vidi vicious by the hives (oh god. FINALLY.), coldplay's the blue room ep (honestly, i can't put into words how excited and moved i am by the fact that i finally bought this. i was gonna buy the cd that had "careful where you stand" on it, but it came in a package with "parachutes" too which i already have two copies of anyway, and it was 25 bucks, so i skipped out on it. =/) and "last nite: part 2" by everyone's favorite noo yawkers. it has last nite, trying your luck, and take it or leave it, all live.

isn't that awesome?

my brother's away on a skiing trip with our dad, which i didn't go on because i can't ski (haha) and he got his snowboard stolen. now, WHO THE HELL WOULD DO THAT? i mean, honestly. honestly honestly. my brother's snowboard is made of CARDBOARD. what the hell? oh well. i felt bad for him. he had to buy a new one. too bad.

DeathScythe1990: farfie: ::head falls in toilet:: I'M DRRROOOWWWNNNIIIINNGG!!!
AyaChanFujimiya: Farfie: I CAN'T SWIIIIIIIMMMM!

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