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i'm a rebel without common sense
<<2002-02-26 - 11:20 am>>

[ muzak ] none, but my cd player is sitting next to me. yep.

i'm at school, and i'm supposed to be working on my history paper - it's the middle of the day, B block - but i'm really not because it's not important and i don't care. it's about the industrial revolution in england. we had a debate in A block, and margot kept making these dumbass arguments about child labor and "THINK OF THE CHILDREN, PEOPLE!" and i was like "can i put her out of her misery?" she drives me crazy.

anyway. so here's the cool thing. you know how everyone has a favorite author, right? yeah. so i have a fanfic idol. i can't explain why i love his writing so much (other than he writes THE BEST SLASH EVER, and everything is so original it hurts) but i do and it rocks me so hard. so anyway, i was like totally thrilled beyond what is probably healthy when i found out he signed my guestbook (and even linked me in his blog - scroll down on the left side and there i am, all nice and pretty! WOO!), and i checked out his blog and i didn't get to read all of it because class started too soon and for some reason this computer is being a whore about it, but he's just so cool it blows my mind. i left him a notey thing (i told him i hated him for being so talented, which is true) and i added him to my aim. i hope he doesn't think i'm a complete weirdo. even though i am. shucks.

so anyway during history we debated, like i said, and we were supposed to use the debate to gather information for our paper but, alack, i was too busy writing my story. i got a pretty good chunk done and i'm proud. stuff seems to have really found a rhythm lately and it makes everything much easier for me - i even woke myself up at six thirty this morning. i swear to you, it's a bloody miracle. but anyway. basically i just go to school, do my homework in the middle of the day, finish the day, go home, play FFX for as long as i physically can before the muscles in my legs and butt begin to atrophy, and then go online and write. that's my day, every day. basically. unless something else interesting happens, which it never does. so you see, i am like a dog - i am a whore for routine.

speaking of which, my friend wrote "FUCK ME HARD" and "FAST FUCK" on my dirty gray sweatshirt yesterday and more than a few teachers noticed. must find a way to cover that up.

oh, and i added roberta to my aim too but though she claims she's always on she never is! dang you.

ohhh, what else interesting is occuring my life? nothing. i'm sitting next to this skinny ass pasty bitch kid who's like a contortionist and he's sitting with his knees up on the desk and his feet on the monitor. no bullshit. it's hilarious. and the girl a few seats to my left came into school yesterday with cat eye contacts in that freaked me out so much i wanted to slap her. yeeeeeh.

now i'm at a loss for things to do. damn... hmm. oh lord, i talk way too much. sorry about that.

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