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bigot! bigot! bigot ho bag!
<<2002-02-27 - 7:36 pm>>

[ muzak ] gimme danger velvet goldmine


i talked to roberta yesterday and today!! hoorah! she's so awesome, i almost can't get over it. honestly - i felt so comfortable with her from the first few minutes we talked. i'm kind of an awkward person but she is definitely the "say anything" type. and she uses lots of exclamation points! oh, and she is HILARIOUS. i'm not kidding! i always talk to her when i'm at school cos there's something like a six hour difference in scotland, so i end up in stitches in the middle of study hall and everyone stares at me. it's great.

today it started out kind of warm, and then it got cold, and then it rained. then it snowed giant blobby snotballs, and the whole world turned into a blurry gray painting.

i added a few little touches like a moody thinger up at the top and a note form down at the bottom, so you can not only see what i feel like at this exact moment but you can leave me a spiffy note and tell me how YOU feel too! or even tell me how hot you think julian is! oh, the internet is a wonderful, wonderful thing. oh and for those of you wondering, the lovely guy at the top of the page is chris martin, my current idol. i love that pic so much it's probably not healthy.

i got another mention in ashke's blog and that made me sparkle. i talked some crazy fangirlish smack about him and he called it touching. it's amazing where flattery can get you these days, even if it's psychobabble.

oh, my god. i almost forgot. VAST HAS A NEW SINGLE. the word on the street is that the actual album is due quite soon, and the new single is called "shining". and then i heard on the strokes side of the tracks that a new album from them isn't due for a good long while. whine whine bitch whine.

PlatonicBlues: grammys!
AyaChanFujimiya: gah! no! EVIL
PlatonicBlues: jon stewarts hosting though
AyaChanFujimiya: oh, he is?
AyaChanFujimiya: he's a hot piece of jewish arse
PlatonicBlues: yep...but i think he's married...or deeply commited with an imaginary friend
AyaChanFujimiya: "married"
AyaChanFujimiya: pah
PlatonicBlues: yep...that's what cheating is for. but cheating is such a harsh word...i like to call it "exploring the options"
AyaChanFujimiya: "branching out"
PlatonicBlues: "playing the feild"
AyaChanFujimiya: "broadening your horizons"
PlatonicBlues: so do you really have a gf or are you just deeply comitted with an imaginary friend
AyaChanFujimiya: i have a GRRL friend, goddammit
PlatonicBlues: than whats her "name"
AyaChanFujimiya: her "name" is joanna
PlatonicBlues: joanna
AyaChanFujimiya: yes
AyaChanFujimiya: "joanna"
PlatonicBlues: thats a stupid imaginary friend name
AyaChanFujimiya: oh yeah?
AyaChanFujimiya: well what the hell kind of name is "SAM"?
PlatonicBlues: sam is a "jewish" name! are you making fun of my culture! bigot! bigot! bigot ho bag!
AyaChanFujimiya: sam isn't "jewish" you dirty poser
AyaChanFujimiya: sam is just stupid!!
PlatonicBlues: bigot!
PlatonicBlues: im crying!
AyaChanFujimiya: emo freak!
PlatonicBlues: tears on my key board

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