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the time has come, the walrus said
<<2002-03-02 - 12:57 pm>>

[ muzak ] parachutes coldplay

last night i had a dream about going to a coldplay concert, and then right before the concert i ran down these narrow wooden steps, and the walls were covered with ripped flyers. and i opened this door and then i got to meet coldplay, and chris was sooo cute. i think i was with my dad, odd isn't it? anyway, that's the second band dream i've ever had. the first was about brett scallions. anyway, that dream was cool. if a bit odd.

anyway, i'm going to my friend's house in about twenty minutes and i'm gonna sleep over there and have loads of fun, so you won't see me for a day or two. sorry aboot that, i know how much you all love me to bits. wanna say yo to andrewlina for the notes n' stuff and hi to roberta just cos she's my favorite skanky ho! (mwaha!) and um... hi to ross, because ross is nice. yeah.

so anyway... i updated my blur story, check it out yo. now i am going to go. much love.

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