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lobster sticks to magnet
<<2002-03-05 - 7:01 pm>>

[ muzak ] spawn soundtrack

new pic at the top. i may not do so well with this one - every time i look at it, i have to slap a hand over my mouth so i don't burst out laughing. that picture is so hilarious to me. even now i'm giggling. look at the stupid little brown things! they're trying to eat the kitten! oh my god... so hilarious... i need to stop this. anyway. during lunch today micah told me that there's gonna be a ryan addams and leona ross (i think that's her name) concert on the 18th and he invited me to go. he said he'd pick me up if he had his license by then - he's taking his driver's test that morning!! oooh, thrills. and the tickets are only like 15 rocks (i love that word) so i can buy them. i say rocks because i'm reading a book that's set in the sixties and the main character is a little boy who says "rocks" for "dollars", and it's just the cutest slickest thing ever. so anyway, looking forward to concert. not, however, looking forward to explaining micah to my mother (conservative crazy bitch). check out his blog, he's hilarious. i'm soo glad i met him.

anyway, today rachel got super super angry at me because i blew her off when we had plans a little while ago. she's an expert grudge-holder. so anyway we had kind of a fight, and she called me "the worst goddamn friend in the world," which i thought would affect me more on a deeper level (or something) but really only made me angry at her immaturity (and my own, but i mean, she should know by now that what i say is rarely ever what i actually mean.) and i was feeling kind of burned, and then micah came along and threw insults at her and it was all better. she's still angry. hm... somehow i find myself not giving a damn.

my mother is going away for thursday and friday, and she hired one of her friends from work to babysit us. i cannot physically express in words how much this really grates on me. first she brings this woman in - wendy, her name is, nice enough woman but i mean HONESTLY - and gives her like a twenty minute tour of the house. remember, my mother is going to be gone for no more than TWENTY-FOUR HOURS. wendy really does not need to know how to operate the toaster. nor does she need to know how to flush a toilet. my mother gives her a typed up list of what she's supposed to do in the mornings to get us up etc, and i'm thinking "i wonder if mom is at all embarrassed or aware of the fact that she is completely obsessive and neurotic." i mean, my mother is a fooking LUNATIC. i'm not kidding. whatever, i guess i can't really talk about it here without you guys thinking i'm whiny. it's just insane. i'm not kidding. she drives me crazy. she treats me like i'm five.

honestly... i'm moving to glasgow.

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