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smurfs and communism
<<2002-03-08 - 12:19 pm>>

yay, i am in school. it is DEJUNER! i don't think i spelled that right. dejeuner? well, anyway, lunch time. during the second half of lunch i have to see my french teacher so she can instruct me on whatever crap that i missed yesterday, and then it's all good. i was also supposed to write a history paper last night and was given like four chances to do it again today... but yet... i did not. fuck my stupid slacking off. it's such a pain in the ass. and yet not.

ashke left an extremely profane and obscene entry in his blog and i was reading it just now i nearly fell off my chair laughing. not to say that his points aren't absolutely valid and i completely agree with him - and he even raised some questions i had never thought about before - but EVERY OTHER WORD was "fuck" or "shit" or something. it was hilarious. i know he was being serious, but i honestly don't think i have ever seen someone use the word fuck as much as he did in that single entry.

anyway. i need to leave. in fact, i needed to leave three minutes ago. fffffuck. i think the voice of slackage is beginning to speak.

hahaha, someone at my school searched for "smurfs and communism" on google. they also searched for "rivers cuomo love fest," "smurfs and marijuana" and "pokemon and ecstacy." they were very determined.

anyway. i think i'm gonna go crush-hunting today. i need a bit of spice in my life. i'd crush on sam, but he's gay and/or not interested. i'd crush on micah, but... same thing. dammit. where are all the decent guys that don't kiss boys?! i'd go for a girl, but... i dunno. all the girls are closeted or complete freaks.

oh the humanity...

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