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i talk too much lately
<<2002-03-15 - 5:11 pm>>

[ muzak ] what's going on london mix

aahhhh... darren hayes (from savage garden) has a single out called "insatiable." because i used to be a moderately big SG fan, i got kind of excited when i heard it, and now i'm on a savage garden kick again. well, not really savage garden, since i don't like their music all that much anymore and they're not a band anymore either... so i'm just getting lots of darren hayes stuff. not real songs, just like interviews and live stuff. i saw them live a few years ago with a good friend of mine and they were totally man-love-licious. it was great! however, their music is WAY too poppy for me. darren's single isn't good. but... i can't help it. i'm a ho bag for darren hayes. i hope he's successful in his comeback, though - and i hope danny does something too. dan was always my favorite! :D

anyway. i also heard this other sort of pop-ish song by someone named vanessa carlton. i don't know the name of the song. but it's pretty good. i keep getting her confused with michelle branch and all those other soulful folkie-poppy type 18 year old dewy-skinned, demure power to the people chicks that are suddenly flooding the pop scene.

my B block teacher, marci, brought in her dog java to class today. after class she asked me to take java - this tiny little mutt dog, not much bigger than a chihuahua - for a walk, so i did, outside the back of the building. the dog fooking ASSAULTED like ten people!!! i couldn't control her! she was sooo wild and all these people were like fleeing in . actually, they weren't, they were coming over to pet her and she'd like.. HURL herself up onto them and lick them all over and be just generally extremely happy to see all these people she had never seen before. i'm sure it was quite a thrill. she was adorable. marci might be going away for the summer so she said she was looking for a dogsitter for java and i volunteered. except i don't think that will work out. ah well.

holy hell! in "insatiable" darren does this "whoooaaaa whoa" thing and it sounds a LOT like chris martin on "careful where you stand." what! that's crazy. of course anything that resembles chris martin has got to be good. the song i was listening to before - what's going on, the london mix - has bono and chris on it. it's a bad song too, and chris sounds pretty crap. but, alas, i am a chris ho bag as well. anything with chris is good, by default.

at my school, there's a big sprawling "gay/straight alliance" board in the front hall. i grabbed a pamphlet thingy off it when scout wasn't looking but she saw me. she was like "what's that for?" and i was like "um... a friend." i know she didn't believe me... argh. i used to be really open about my liking members of the same gender, but now that i really feel SERIOUS about it... i feel kind of ashamed. i know it's stupid to think that way, but i do. i don't want people to know. i mean, i do, but... gah. whatever! stupid. stupid stupid.

oh wait... that's not all.....


two weeks of pure slackerdom! YEEEEEAAAAAHHH!!!!!!!!

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