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The police mans hit him with a stick!
<<2002-03-17 - 4:18 pm>>

[ muzak ] 12D3 gorillaz

dude, this entry is pathetically long. get comfortable.

so anyway... AAAAAHHHH!!!! last night, i went to a basketball game with sheng and rachel, and it was SO AWESOME. y'all don't unnaSTAND. it was great! it was springfield cathedral versus brookline high (GO BHS WOOOOOOOOO!!!!) and it was just great. unfortunately BHS lost - 76 to 71 - but it was still great. i mean, well, after the game was over, sheng started spazzing out majorly and crying cos we lost but it was STILL RAD!!!! ah, i'm getting ahead of myself. so anyway.

i went to rachel's at six and we drove an hour into worcester, because the game was at the worcester centrum (INCUBUS IS PLAYING THERE MAY 13th! HOORAAAAAAHHHHH!) and the place was surprisingly small and completely packed. so we had lots of fun because there were sooo many insanely good looking people there. i mean, mostly the guys were hot - the chicks were all really stereotypical and all looked the same. skinny, cute, lots of make up, high ponytails, tight little shirts and sparkly jeans. you know. there were a few hot ones, but most of them disgusted me. there was one guy there that looked EXACTLY LIKE LIAM GALLAGHER. i am not kidding. he had that shag cut and the pouty lips and big eyebrows and EVERYTHING!!!! but anyway. there was lots of people there from my old school and one of them kept like staring at me from a few rows back and it was just fookin ODD. there was this one guy a row ahead of us who kept turning around to give sheng and i dirty looks because we cussed at the springfield players alot (what an ass!) and finally i was like "dude... are you for BHS?" and he was like "yeah," and i was like "THEN TURN THE FOOK AROUND." god! some people! haha. and the crowd had sooo many chants, it was hilarious. and one of them was totally weird - they would like, do this almost salute type of thing and chant something that i couldn't understand and it was hilarious and scary. me and rachel just couldn't stop laughing, and sheng was TOTALLY into it (this was her first basketball game). and it was just great. we yelled sooo much. my voice is hoarse and my head hurts... i wonder if i messed something up! eek! haha. the game sucked somewhat, though, because for every point we gained on springfield, they gained five against us. near the end of the game, BHS called sooo many time outs. a whole bunch of three pointers were given to springfield, WHICH IS SO TOTALLY UNFAIR!!! but i think we played well and the team spirit was really fun.

okay, okay, so that's not all. after we left at about 9:30 pm, sheng was tired from her spaz attack so we all shoved ourselves in the back seat of the van and she lay her head on my shoulder and covered her face with rachel's hat. it was ADORABLE and snuggly and warm. i wanted to kiss the top of her head but then i thought she'd freak, so instead me and rachel made dirty jokes to entertain ourselves on the hour long ride home. and then rachel brought out this fooking MASSIVE chocolate bar - it was liek a foot long - and we broke it up into little pieces and ate some and then when we got full we threw pieces at passing cars, which rachel's mother did not like. hahaha! ah well! and then rachel took out her camera and we turned on the flash and annoyed rachel's mom - who was driving - with it until she got really mad and swerved like a maniac so we turned the flash off and took pictures of ourselves. it's probably just a bunch of blurry, dark pictures of blobby things (the tops of our heads or something). but it was fun anyway. and then we stopped off at a mcdonald's to make a pee-stop, and in the bathroom, this woman pointed to the pin on my jacket and was like "is that... danny wood?" i have a pin of one of the new kids on the block on my jacket right where albert has a pin on his jacket, because i'm a scary fangirl, and i had never known who was actually ON the pin until now. so we had this totally crazy conversation about danny wood, and then she left.

jebus, look at how LONG this is. are you still reading? THAT'S PATHETIC. hahaha! ah man. i love basketball.

wait, but there's more. it's on a more serious note though. okay, well, i finally did it - i came out to my mom, and she was totally okay with it, which was really great. she said she'd have to "think about it" and she's been talking to me about it alot recently. she told me i'm still young, i should wait this out, but not in a discouraging way. so i'm happy she's open-minded about it. but she also said something that kind of confused me later... on a completely unrelated but not.. all that off-topic. my brother noah was talking about learning german and he was beatboxing this german techno song about a rubber ducky and it was hilarious. but my mom got all huffy and she was like "that's offensive!" and i dunno.. she's just so prejudiced against germans because of the holocaust, and i find the fact that she's prejudiced against germans because of something they did so long ago... and i mean.. i dunno. it's just so ignorant. and she's always been very against ignorance. i don't know. it just REALLY frustrates me.. i just think that's so unfair and so unlike her. blech. this world is a sick and twisted place.

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