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the ice man cometh
<<2002-03-19 - 11:38 pm>>

the pictures we took in the car after the game a few days ago:

myself & a corpse-like sheng on my shoulder

sheng is a woman of few words

those were the only two ones that you could actually see. damn! ah well.

anyway... so i'm back from new york! i got back like half an hour ago. i had lots of fun. i got my picture taken with the cast of mamma mia (i'll scan that later) and it was all cool, and stuff. i almost saw ground zero, but went chickenshit at the last minute and instead went to times square and bought some cds and stood outside the building where TRL is filmed. boring as shit! saw lots of hot girls, and lots of even hotter guys (oh new york, i love you) and basically fucked around for two days having fun. we stayed in a nice ass hotel, and i was really tempted to empty the bar (the wine was in a really pretty bottle) but i knew my dad would notice and freak, so i did the good thing. i slept the whole way home. i actually got a japanese mag with pictures of julian in it, and some other cool shit too that i'll scan and/or ramble about tomorrow.

i was kind of not-really-conscious when i read roberta's last entry, but i know she mentioned me, so i love ya dahling. and i read some of ashke's blog and i think that it's the coolest thing in the world that he has a son. i totally thought he was wicked young and not parent material at all. (erm, no offense, cupcake.) but i think everything will turn out all right in the end - at least you give him space. the kid's GOTTA appreciate you for that.

okay, that wasn't helpful. god, i suck. i really, really need sleep. i love new york. when i'm able to speak, i will. tomorrow.

au revoir, dear readers!

oh, yeah, and i saw a blade II trailer for the first time and nearly peed myself!!! it looks fucking AWESOME. but... frost is dead... DAMMIT!!! but they brought wrinkly old poo face kris kristofferson back! WHY?! WHY????!!!!

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