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won't you take me to funky town?
<<2002-03-30 - 5:51 pm>>

haha. roberta introduced me to the weekly and i think it's so hilarious. i guess it's like britain's version of the onion, only goofier. (maybe it's just my wonky computer, but why is theonion.com not working?)

penny arcade rules.

yesterday, my friend johnny made the sn Noels Unibrow and i made Liams Unibrow and together we went out and bothered wonderful people together. (oh, oh, HI JOHNNY, you are my minion!!! go! go forth! WON'T YOU BRING ME TO FUNKY TOWN?! and what i told you about cory was true... i like guys too. occasionally. haha.)

Chris616263: You, my friend, are a freak of nature.
Liams Unibrow: I am many things, but I am not a freak. I am a follower of the Unibrow. An enlightened one.
Chris616263: I'm a follower of Satan.
Liams Unibrow: Satan and the Unibrow are friends. On Tuesdays, they usually have tea together.
Chris616263: Thats interesting.
Liams Unibrow: Indeed.
Chris616263: See, Satan is the embodiment of evil itself.
Chris616263: Being such a swirling vortex of torment and evil
Chris616263: He has no friends!
Liams Unibrow: But the Unibrow is docile and accepting. It is friends with everyone. Except non-believers. Non-believers are subject to brutal, merciless mind-torture, normally on a daily basis, except of course for Tuesdays.
Chris616263: No one can my mind.
Liams Unibrow: The Unibrow can. So nyah.
Chris616263: I'm too powerful for some Unibrow'd fag.
Chris616263: Who the hell does the "Unibrow" think he is? I'm Zozma, for god sakes.
Chris616263: being Zozma, I can crush your unibrow into TWO brows!
Liams Unibrow: Many have tried, and many have failed!
Chris616263: yes but I'm Zozma.
Liams Unibrow: Agreed. And I'm Liam.
Chris616263: yes but I'm ZOZMA. don't you get it!? I'm ZOZMA!!!!!!! I can do anything!
Liams Unibrow: Make me pie.

ahhh... nothing at all to say.... except all day i've had this crazy craving for a bagel and chives cream cheese... maybe i'll start that writing diary i was talking about....

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