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"fun" stuff
<<2002-03-29 - 2:44 pm>>

oh my gawd. okay, after major layout problems in the last few days (i'm just picky...) i decided to switch back to my old layout for a little bit. argh! i dunno, i'm just bad with html. deconstrukt has FABULOUS layouts and i wanted each and every one of them, but they all had really small entry text box thingies. so... they were not good enough! i think i have another layout in mind, though. i'll give that a try later.

anyway. i also thought i'd begin a writing diary, since that's what i do with most of my time. i'd use it to develop story ideas and stuff, which i think would be helpful cos i usually need to put that out in words and there's a whole big process that i'm very fussy about. maybe when i get bored i'll start on that.

so anyway. new layout within the next few days. and hopefully, it'll work out this time.

a new vampirey type fic i wrote late last night called nox noctis. it's pretty cliche, but cliche is easy to write. it'll probably become slash and/or kinkay as hell in the future. i also have a piece i posted a while ago. it's slash, i guess... two rich, spoiled boys are kind of entangled in an affair but one's really possessive and the other one is kind of like a player. i don't know, i'm proud of it, just read it.

me and cory are having "scanner races" - scanning all sorts of totally random crap that seems interesting. we scanned our hands, our faces, my bra, our favorite cds, baby pictures, scary japanese candy, all sorts of things. it's awesome. i even scanned my boyfriend, smoky mcpot.

me and my sugar daddy spend some quality time together

what is WRONG with japanese people?

myself and my stepmother with the cast of 'mamma mia'. i think the one in orange likes me.

cory had a very difficult childhood.

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