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moo... BAA
<<2002-04-02 - 12:20 pm>>

ha... i'm at school, supposedly "working on my english project." it's twenty past 12; lunchtime. i'm surprised scout hasn't come looking for me yet. i've got probably five minutes before she gets here and makes me stop "working" and "do stuff."

so anyway. last night - and my last entry - was weird. now when i think about it, it comes back to me in this sort of washed-out, faded sense of being really high on nothing at all. and i really don't know what excuses i can make to explain myself, or why it happened or anything like that, but it was just totally odd. roberta calls it a "jeff-piphany." jordan called it "the buckley bliss," which still makes me laugh even now, and is probably the best term i've heard for it yet. i just call it "insane fucked up jeff-induced weirdness." in a way though, it leaves me feeling kind of sad. i think i need to lay off the jeff for a while, because for the last four or five days it's been absolutely nothing but jeff on my cd player, jeff on my mind, and jeff in my writing. if i'm not careful i could just jeff myself out. and that's no fun at all.

haha... jeff's name has become, like, a verb and an adjective now. it's JEFF. haha. that's what jord does - when i'm around him, we usually talk about buckley-related things, and i just fall into this ease where i can say anything about how i feel and what the music does to me and not feel incredibly stupid. it's quite nice.

i feel bad cos jord's been gone a while, and all these people have asked me where he is and i'm like "uhh... fuck you!" because all the people who ask about him are the people who are mean to him. jordan said this one bitch who he hates (and is pretty sure she hates him too) called him a few nights back and was like "dude, i miss your smile and your laughing eyes... come back to me" which was insanely scary and possibly the funniest thing i've heard for a while.

scout's here! RUN AWAY

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