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camping next to water
<<2002-04-14 - 5:54 pm>>

yesterday i bought the badly drawn boy album only because i saw it mentioned in an interview with chris martin. IT IS SO GREAT. i love it to death. one of the best albums i've bought in a while. get "once around the block" if you love me, cos i know you do.

also, fucking kickass new story that i'm ultra proud of. it's very cliche and very fun to write. it's called the hour of bewilderbeast (yes like the badly drawn boy album... ahahah..ha) and it's pretty damn cool if i say so myself. i'll say the plot really quick in case you don't really feel like clicking without knowing what shit i've come up with now. there's this dude who's a big bad drug lord and he's got a son named chris. this guy ritchie is a hit man working for this big corporation that used to sell drugs to chris' father. now the drugs are being recycled at a much higher price and ritchie's boss is pissed, so he sends ritchie to kidnap chris and threaten chris' dad. the mission is to kill chris no matter what but chris is cute and lovable and soon ritchie starts to fall for him. WOOHA. GO REVIEW IT and I HAVE TO LEAVE NOW but... go review. hm. yeah. ps: girl at rockstar templates (fuck i forgot your name augh!!) but i'll get back to you really quick, i promise. i am just lazy. expect a reply tonight or tomorrow morning, i promise. thank you so much for being nice and stuff! yes! haha! okay. done.

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