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"jai guru deva om"
<<2002-04-20 - 1:55 pm>>

hmmm. i've subsisted entirely on leftover chinese food for the past... um... week. i'm eating the same rice for lunch that i ate for dinner on monday. gross, right? NOT SO! it tastes exactly the same. perplexing.

just recently, i've become a MASSIVE fiona apple fan. okay, not massive, maybe, but i have plans to go out and buy all of her cds. she's so gorgeous... gahhh... and nikka costa, and meg white, and hilary wood... mmmmwah. i want to change my layout now to something featuring one of the four mentioned above (preferably all of em, in fact) but out of respect for jeff (and the fact that i never, ever get tired of that background picture) i will wait until the end of may to do so.

speaking of which, i put up that new chapter to organic angel that i've been blathering on about forever. i'm pretty proud of it, i suppose. i labored over it for so long and procrastinated and worried and whatever and i showed it to andi and she's like "that's IT? you spent a month on.. that?" i mean, she didn't say it outright, but that was the obvious message. i know i shouldn't be expecting people to totally sugar coat it, but still... i dunno. she didn't even say anything really nice about it. blah. either way, i'm glad i got that out... now i have the dilemma of the NEXT chapter......

i have my whole weekend cut out for me now. today i'm gonna watch velvet goldmine, work a little on my english paper (maybe... heh), start some on my next blur chapter (which i'm SUPER anxious to start again because i've got ideas and stuff), work on some wallpapers, and see if i can get to sleep at a reasonable time. unfortunately my phone's still on the fritz so i can't call anyone... argh... blessed is the internet.

anyway... away i go, i guess...

song everyone needs to download: "fast as you can," fiona apple

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