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matt bellamy, roberta, absolute INSANITY
<<2002-05-14 - 6:23 pm>>


lots of good things are happening now and have happened today.

i've fallen totally head over heels for MATTHEW BELLAMY!!!!!!! aauaudghsoigsdg!! i don't know how it happened, since i'm not (or.. wasn't) attracted to him in the least. now i think he's ABSOLUTELY RAVISHINGLY GORGEOUS, though. that happens alot. i think it's because their second cd, "origin of symmetry," is so ABSOLUTELY RAVISHINGLY GOOD, that i just couldn't resist myself. so i fell in love with him.


and i'm TALKING TO ROBERTA ABOUT SLACKING!! she's great. i love having people to bitch to about how much slacking sucks big time, and yet not.

robertalouise3: really, i don't think i go into how much i've been slacking in my diary. it's kind of disgusting really. inspiring in a way, but disgusting
kill my boot: haha
kill my boot: yes... i view my slacking in much the same way, minus the inspiring part
kill my boot: more like "roll over and die" disgusting, haha
robertalouise3: think about it, though. it's courageous, isn't it? it's like people who use nonviolent protest, or something. our bravery is in our inactivity, heehee!
robertalouise3: i tell myself this EVERY DAY!
kill my boot: lol
kill my boot: exactly
kill my boot: hahaha!
kill my boot: it's like your mantra! "i'm not lazy, i'm NONCONFORMIST!"
robertalouise3: heehee! THAT'S IT!! "i'm just making a stand for personal choice! and i choose to do bugger all!"
kill my boot: hahaha
robertalouise3: it's going to be the new communism, you no. Bugger-all-ism

so true. get ready for the new communism. it's on your shores soon, courtesy of the lazy, completely unmotivated souls such as roberta and myself.

let's see... what else.. i talked to micah for a bit too. he and i have the same music tastes, or nearly identical, which is pretty cool. he borrows cds from me, and i borrow cds from him. i don't really borrow his cds all that much, though. he has like three of mine right now... haha. damn. and STUPID HO BAG SKANK BREATH ben freaking stupid face tritsch has my trigun cd that i paid SEVENTEEN DOLLARS for... grrrrrrrrr... i wrote on his hand for him to give it to me. i laugh when i ask him for it, but that's only to hide the fact that i want to CHOP HIM INTO LITTLE PIECES and BURY HIM IN A HOLE and DANCE ON HIS GRAVE!!!!!

aghoaihgoaidg. hahaha.

i'm having so much FUN today. i can't figure out why.

on the bus home, me and max both wrote signs about who we loved (i love matt bellamy, he loves natalie portman) and held them up on the windows at the people in cars behind us. i don't know why but it was fun. "I WANT THE WHOLE WORLD TO KNOW THAT I LOVE MATT BELLAMY MORE THAN YOU DO!!!!!"

PlatonicBlues: so have you read my hilarious cereal based joke of the week?
PlatonicBlues: i love it
PlatonicBlues: i came up with it myself
kill my boot: hahaa
kill my boot: no
kill my boot: tell me
PlatonicBlues: man....CLASSIC
PlatonicBlues: What snaps crakcles and pops?
PlatonicBlues: thats where you say..."what?"
kill my boot: oh
kill my boot: right
kill my boot: what?
PlatonicBlues: rice crispies you STUPID DUMBASS
PlatonicBlues: HAHAHAHAHA

haha. i'm still laughing at that. i think everything is funnier when you actually imagine the things he's typing as if he's saying them aloud, because his voice is like seventy percent of the hilarity.

Moogle35: McBoobies
Moogle35: haha
Moogle35: in ten years mcdonalds wont just use slave labor, they'll be nationwide pimps too

i don't really have anything to say.. i'm just quoting people who are funnier than me.. haha

kill my boot: yes.. well.. if you fail, PUT UP A FIGHT! fight the good fight! tis better to burn out than fade away!!!!
robertalouise3: heehee- that is a gorgeous little thought, but the thought of me fighting Paul Pilger, the mad German guy that looks like Himmler- ooh its too funny!
kill my boot: lol
kill my boot: well, i'm sure he'd be afraid to fail you after that!
robertalouise3: he is lovely really, i don't think he's failed a person in his life. his trousers are too short and he's got hairy legs, i could mock him for that
kill my boot: oh yes! short trousers! ITS A FELONY!!!
robertalouise3: not even on Nick Valensi should they be allowed- he had them in Glasgow and I'm like- NO!
kill my boot: gah!!!! i know! definitely a fashion faux pas, to the extreme
kill my boot: no matter how much you think you're making a fashion statement, the only statement you're making is that YOU HAVEN'T BEEN SHOPPING SINCE THIRD GRADE
robertalouise3: HAHAHAHA!!!!!! It does have this slight look of your mother not affording to buy clothes that fit...i can't wear trousers that aren't flared now. i think it's an affliction.
kill my boot: lol
kill my boot: gah, yeah... i'd abandon my flared days completely if only i had the time to go out and get new pants...
robertalouise3: no! stick with flares! flares for the future! teehee, pants
kill my boot: lol
kill my boot: LOL
kill my boot: pants!
kill my boot: that's right... trousers vs pants!
robertalouise3: I think it's all in the accent- Americans kinda say it in a different way, and it makes the transition form outerwear to underwear a bit clearer
kill my boot: yes, i think so too... but i've really never heard anyone else but an american say pants, so i'm not really an authority on that sort of thing
robertalouise3: its quite odd to imagine if theres an authority on pants- of course, it should be me

roberta's great. AND! she's got a friend who looks JUST LIKE MATT BELLAMY! i don't know him at all, but already i want to marry him right now. his name is gary. she talks about him lots... which must mean he's really nice... which must mean I HAVE TO STEAL HIS PANTS!!!!

kill my boot: hahaha, tell gary i said hi... GO! DO IT! NOW!
robertalouise3: He says hi back!!!!!! Honestly, he does!!!!! He's also said "what kind of name is Arslan- I think he is thinking of the lion in The Lion The Witch and the Wardrobe, arf
kill my boot: lol
kill my boot: really? what's the lion's name?
robertalouise3: Aslan!
kill my boot: oh! that's so cool
kill my boot: tell him my parents were crazy hippies
robertalouise3: yeah- you were going to be called "Starlight"
kill my boot: LOL
kill my boot: "Rainbow Starlight Happiness Lotus Flower Lovebeam"

oh, my mom's brought home sushi... SNUSHI! nothing makes my day better. except she's still not letting me go on saturday.. i'm confident we can work something out though. like, you know... pride march in exchange for my soul.

like i said, i'm confident.

Moogle35: IF I HAD BOOBIES THEY WOULD BE GIANT, PERFECT, AND UNMOLDABLE, so they wouldnt be capable of being squished like your weak, american , hahahaha, in soviet union, boobies own YOU

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