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it's just a whole lot of stuff
<<2002-05-13 - 8:40 pm>>

FINALLY scanned all my strokes pictures from that japanese mag i bought a few months ago on my trip to ny with my dad and stepmom. since i was way too lazy to make the huge ones smaller, i'll just show you the small ones and then give you links to the bigger ones.

so yeah, there's my strokes pics... tomorrow i'll make a little page for the big pictures that are too fat to put on here. right now it's nearly 9:00 and i have to still write my physics paper... grr. i don't actually plan on doing it. maybe i'll start it though.

so anyway. skipping class was not so good an idea. my french teacher called my mother and told her i skipped with sam. on the way home from school, i said "i'm going out with sam on saturday, ok?" and she was like "NO BITCH" and then she was like "you said you wouldnt skip blahblahbajdoasihe" so yeah. saturday is the gay pride parade. chris, danny, aneesa, etc from the real world will be there. CHRISTOPHER RICE will be there.

and she's not letting me go.

of course she doesn't KNOW it's the gay pride thing. i would die before i told her that. if she knew she wouldn't let me go anyway, even if i HADN'T skipped. no matter how many times my mother denies it, she's a homophobe. even just minorly. she was born in the forties... of course she's a little homophobic.

i need to make her let me go somehow. this is SO aggravating. i always screw up somehow right before some big important thing happens. i can't exactly think of a specific event but i know it's happened. oh, one time i wanted to go to this gay dance social event whatever type doohickey and i think i was just generally a pain in the ass so she said no. i can't remember what else. probably lots of things. i'm just a pain in the ass. always. and i always screw up.

i have this really bad feeling that even when i do get to boarding school, my mother won't be off my back...

she's gonna pay for being such a bitch ho, though. once i'm 18, i'm moving to either NY or the UK and i am never, ever speaking to her or my father again. perhaps my father, but whatever reasons make me contact him again would be shallow, temporary ones - financial help, most likely. other than that, i never want to see my parents again. i'd like to get away and try to reverse all the crap they've put on me and improve their crap parenting before it REALLY screws me up even more than it has already.

EvilRabidSheep: where do bad folks go when they die?
kill my boot: they don't go to heaven where the angels fly
EvilRabidSheep: they go to a lake of fire and fry
kill my boot: and we'll see em again on the fourth of july
EvilRabidSheep: no one will ever sing with me
EvilRabidSheep: you rulez

i made a whole bunch of jeff buckley icons too!

EvilRabidSheep: I found the perfect shirt for you!

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