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v = gt (10m/s) = gay rights activist
<<2002-05-15 - 11:32 pm>>

i found a really really great new band-ish thing... well, it's a solo guy, his name is conor oberst, and he's basically like the spine of this ever-changing band called "bright eyes" (if that's not third grade emo, then i don't know what is). he played a show in boston tonight i think but i totally missed it because i am a HUGE UGLY HO BAG OF SUPER LAMENESS. grrrr. anyways, the little blurb in the newspaper about him said that he was kind of folky and poppy and i have come to associate those words with the kind of music i like (power pop, neo-folk, acoustic-driven pseudo-emo-rock, whatever... if it sounds like either coldplay or the strokes, i'll like it). so i ran upstairs and downloaded two songs of his - "haligh haligh a lie haligh" (which is so good i absolutely want to just soak in it forever) and "something vague" which is, um, exactly that. there's no real definable chorus that i can see... either way though i'm totally buying his cd. plus he's wicked cute. EXCEPT he looks like he's about THIRTEEN YEARS OLD. aifjoaifjodf. but, um, still cute. *cough*

sam made merciless fun of my music today... i lent him my jj72 cd and he returned it to me with several negative comments, such as "his voice sounds like a mosquito that's wormed its way into my brain and is buzzing around ceaselessly." um, 'kay, thanks. that'd be ok, since he's got a point - mark greaney's voice is, um, definitely an acquired taste - and i trust his opinion in music for the most part (though i trust micah more, and myself most). but he told molly and in french class he was like taunting me and cozy and vanessa were like "lemme hear lemme hear cheep cheep whiney blah blah" and i was like "um" and so i let them listen, and they were both giggling and making fun of mark's voice. i really have a feeling they were only laughing because sam kind of told them to, you know, like "oh hahaha this is funny so listen and laugh" and they probably didn't think it was that funny at all. because it's NOT. i think mark's voice is INCREDIBLE and i'm NOT moving from my spot.

have we covered this yet, by the way? have we covered how much it makes me want to absolutely KILL A SMALL DEFENSELESS ANIMAL when someone makes fun of my music in ANY WAY AT ALL? no? well, let's recap then...


like, seriously. there are only two things that hurt me - personal attacks, and attacks on my music, because music is such a big part of my life and myself. and especially a band i really really love, such as JJ72. i KNOW they're campy and cheesy (their music is totally grandiose and pretentious, and their NAME... ugh jesus, their name is such a sin) but like... god. whatever. blahhh. sam makes fun of me all the time and i make fun of him too, so it's really okay... but it's really uncool when you recruit a whole bunch of OTHER people to aid you in making me feel like a pile of crap.

i'm listening to this kind of cheesy muse b-side called "instant messenger". i think matt's singing about online romance. that's really kind of hilarious actually... i can't explain it but something about that really amuses me. his singing about it, i mean. i don't know, it's nearly midnight, i'm stressed out and kind of upset. don't blame me for the words that come out.

now i'm listening to another b-side called jimmy kane, which is amusing too because the chorus is "jimmyKAAAAAAAAANE..." hahaha. oh, god, my brain isn't working anymore... augh...

i downloaded a live von bondies track. have i shared the von bondies joy with you yet? i probably have, several times, but let's share again just because i love them alot. they're like the deranged love child of the white stripes (jason stollsteimer, lead singer boy, sounds IDENTICAL to jack white), the strokes and the rolling stones. jason has his jeff buckley moments too, by the way... i was listening to their cd, and when he kind of goes high or carries a note out for a few seconds or more he sounds like jeff a little. maybe i'm just crazy, you know, but all in all it makes for a VERY nice combination. get "no sugar mama" or maybe "nite train". (what is it with indie bands and their totally uber-american lazy trailer trash way of spelling things? go to grammar school, jason stollsteimer.) oh, right, anyway i downloaded a live bondies track and jason has the funniest voice... it's so surfer dude. go to audiogalaxy and get the maida vale version of no sugar mama... it's actually, um, really bad... but his voice is cute. hahaha.

aaaauuuuuuuuugh. i am in mental agony right now. i still have to do my FREAKIN PHYSICS PAPER... grr. i don't know if im gonna do it or not. oftentimes, whether i PLAN to do something has absolutely nothing at all with whether i actually DO do whatever i had been PLANNING to do. so on monday i was PLANNING to do this physics paper... but it's nearly thursday morning... and i've made NO PROGRESS.

speaking of which, nothing has been worked out about the pride march on saturday. i have this sinking feeling that she's gonna say no, no matter what. HOW COULD I HAVE BEEN SO STUPID? i mean, seriously. jesus. i am never ever skipping class again... gaaaakjsdgskjgskg. my heart's gonna break if i don't get to go to this march... dude... christopher rice, danny roberts (real world), chris (real world), i don't even know who else... but i really want to go. gay rights have been a relatively big part of the way i think for the past few years and i feel as i if i need to do more research before i speak out or anything. and i think going to the pride march would not only be lots of good mindless booty-watching fun, but also it'd give me space to move my wings and choose a field to go into. because right now that's the only thing i'm sure about... gay rights advocacy is definitely something i am going to go into later on in life. maybe even not so much later, maybe i could be one of those crazy famous 16 year olds who travels the world and ventures into the deep south to tell north carolinian high school kids that gay people aren't actually the hell-bound sinners that they're made out to be. that would be interesting.

and you don't need physics to be a gay rights activist...

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