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je pars enfance
<<2002-05-16 - 6:57 pm>>

today was sooo boring and lame. blah. i did nothing all day. we had a test in physics though that was like nine questions and i could barely get past the fifth question... gahhh. i am such a retard. grrr. i wish physics did not exist.

i talked to my mom today about the pride march thing. every other time i've brought it up i got really angry and hurt because she makes me feel so powerless... but anyways i'm slowly persuading her into letting me go. i told her the abbreviated truth of what saturday actually was and why it was so important - i said that there were going to be "speeches about gay rights" and then after there was going to be a big "party". the "speeches" are the real world people and a whole bunch of politicians speaking about, well, gay rights. the "party" is this thing called the bagley prom, which is like crazy drinking party flamer fest, which is ok with me. haha. i don't care, i just really, really, really wanna go and see chris. even if i don't get a picture with him or get to touch him. hahaha.. i just want to SEE him, you know? maybe he'll give a speech. which reminds me, i have to stop at the corner store and buy seventy-three disposable cameras, just in case he does go up and give a speech. a fan can never be too prepared.

coldplay has started touring, though it's only a "warm up" and it's exclusively int he UK though. but its exciting, very exciting. by the time they come to my hometown, i plan to be totally "raver"ed out - two eyebrow rings, a buzzcut and platinum hair. hoo ha. my transformation will start this summer, i think. first i gotta get molly to shave my head (which i've been putting off for like months now) and micah to dye it (which probably won't happen before the end of the year, but we'll see) and the eyebrow ring deal... that probably won't happen until summer. hmm. my brother's 18, which is good because the rule here is that you have to be accompanied by someone 18 (which is, um, totally stupid and weird), so he can take me... yeah. so anyway.

oh, total total grrr.. grrrrrrrrr... micah's father is taking a job in winsor (sp?), england, and micah's going to leeds, reading AND GLASTONBURY this summer.... which means he's seeing the strokes, MUSE, BRMC and COLDPLAY.

i gave him a list of things to do when he goes to each of these festivals. the list was mostly just like:

1) take (many many many) picture(s) of chris martin('s ass).
2) take picture of matt bellamy's ass, and then make him lift up his shirt and take a picture. boys with scars are hot. make him sign something, like his underwear, and then steal them and run.
3) kidnap jago. burn his visa.

and so on and so forth.

ps: i found this in roberta's diary... it almost makes me cry... but then again everything related to jeff buckley makes me cry. light a candle for jeff.

pps: does this not look TOTALLY like what would happen if james dean and jeff buckley had a DERANGED LOVE CHILD?

and he goes to my school *cackle*

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