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GHEY PRIDE!!! wahey
<<2002-05-18 - 12:54 pm>>

yay... am headed to sonia's house soon for the pride march. the good stuff doesn't happen until 4:30 pm, but that's ok. we'll just go hang around. unfortunately it is RAINING LIKE HELL and even hailing just a wee bit. DAMN IT. oh well. i hope no one minds the rain.

i squealed like mad about this to jordan for the last half hour. he probably is plotting ways to kill me now...

sonia lives in cambridge which is like half an hour away... grrr... damn massachusetts and its bigness. i don't want to drive a half hour especially not with my MOTHER, who is the EMBODIMENT OF EVIL, and will probably LECTURE ME ABOUT PHYSICS the second i step into the car.

natalie updated again, this time with wonderful cp tidbits i DIDN't know about... that makes me happy. i have a really embarrassing picture of her, i just need to get off my lazy ass and post it up here, because it's sooo damn cute.

what else... grrr... rain makes me stupid....

COLDPLAY CD! it's out august 26th!!! well, 27th here in the US. but everyone has to go BUY IT the first day it comes out. actually no scratch that, NO ONE IN THE UK CAN BUY IT BEFORE ME!! if you do, i swear i'll come after you. WITH A MENACING LOOK IN MY EYES.

hahaha... i love my friends...

ChrisMartinsAss: you know the only thing that would make the march better?
Noels Unibrow: E-Z Cheeze?
ChrisMartinsAss: ez cheeze
ChrisMartinsAss: and chris martin, in a complete state of undress
ChrisMartinsAss: if you know what i mean
Noels Unibrow: Yea, i think i catch your "drift".....
ChrisMartinsAss: he's not there though. i will have to do without
Noels Unibrow: He's not there because he's TOURING with SMARTER, COOLER PEOPLE than you
ChrisMartinsAss: THATS NOT TRUE.. hes not there because he's secretly in love with danny roberts and he thinks if he attends this march he will make a terrible slip up and confess his wild passionate boundless love to danny and then everything will suddenly fall apart and danny might REJECT HIM and then his HEART WOULD BE BROKEN
Noels Unibrow: that's not necessarily bad though... He'd have plenty of material to write seven more records

hahaha. and then he made me this:

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