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general fluffy happy la la type deal
<<2002-05-25 - 2:54 pm>>

yay... only three more entries and then i'll be at my 200 mark! yeah! i love my stupidity!

i'm still ultra happy since seeing star wars yesterday. i started a fic (arent i just the biggest geek... ever?) and i don't know where i'm going with it. somewhere. i'm just writing and writing until my insane-happy-adoration for episode II kind of dies quietly. i'm definitely going to see it again this weekend. i asked Selfish Bitch (jordan's nick name for her, not mine) to come see it with me but shes working, or something. probably like selling her body. hahah, fucking whore! damn, i hate her. yesterday i wanted to talk to her because i was so happy and i IMed her with a general happy 'hello' and she goes "busy". that's it. just "busy". nothing else. THANKS ALOT, YOU FUCKING CUNT HEAD! mwaarggghhh. so anyway i'm not feeling too kindly towards her.

i'm alone in my dad's house, my brother's still asleep and my dad and stepmom and two dogs are out at the beach or something (god i hate exercise...) and i just shouted "HOWLIN PELLE ALMQVIST!" because that has got to be the BEST name ever. EVER. i swear i'll never forget the howlin bit. :) :)

see, two smileys, thats how happy i am. i NEVER use smileys.

i'm doing this email correspondence with like five people right now. one of them is a diaryland user, we email each other back and forth like five times a day with little messages. he's nice nice nice. check oot his diary: texasmile.

it's now 3:00 pm exactly.

another one of the people im emailing several times a day is this writer from ff.net who speaks english and dutch and she's very nice. i fucking love nice people. we talk about storylines and such, and how much english is a weird language.

i am suddenly lacking punctuation. has anyone noticed that? i feel so STUPID when i do that, but whenever i leave out apostrophes or commas or anything, it's because i'm typing too fast to care. alot of times my mind gets ahead of me and the words come too fast, so punctation and correct spelling just fucks me up. one time i got this really passionate idea at like three in the morning and ran to my computer and wrote it all out and then saved it without even looking at it and went back to sleep. when i woke up in the morning, i went to go read it and it was basically like "liajsdfiasdg... by arslan. laihdgasdhg aoisdthosad akjhfksdhre aer. liuASFUF!!!! aiefuas!!!!!!! jaf sd hsd. qwoifksjdhv. the end." and i'm not kididng.

sometimes i see typos, like that one i just made, and don't really feel like correcting them just because i think they're funny. you know what i mean? once i was writing a big important paper and i wrote "poo" instead of "poor" and i just left it that way because it was so amusing. "robin hood takes from the rich and gives to the poo." it's sort of third-grader-ish, but still fucking hilarious.

wow. i just downloaded AIM onto my dads computer. and somehow it remembered all the screennames i had like two years ago... wow... this is so nostalgic.... i think i'm gonna cry. i'm looking at like the forty five screennames i made when i was 12 and completely obsessed with anime.. "TinyGoddessLux"... "NekoSakuraChan"... how cool.

and now i'm even talking to the guy who owns the texasmile diary and he's fucking hot. i mean, um, nice. he's nice. very nice. you know, polite.

i luv my life.

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