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i love the vines
<<2002-06-04 - 10:37 pm>>

WOW SO YEAH. whew. i am like TOTALLY high beyond belief right now. i just heard "get free" in its entirety, which i had not heard in its entirety before (don't blame me for being obsessed! i'd like to see you resist craig nicholls' HUGE SEDUCTIVE NOSTRILS AND HIS WEIRD PANIC ATTACKS!!!) but WOW. like wow, to the max. wow to the tenth power. if you haven't heard get free, i suggest you pay a visit to nme.com or thevines.com and GET YOUR ASS IN GEAR. also get "i'm only sleeping" because that song just... arf. like, total arf, in the best way possible. i remember i fell in love with that song months and months ago when i bought the i am sam soundtrack and i kept wondering, "who the hell is singing this? this is BRILLO PADS" (to quote the ever-quotable roberta) and now i know. and, hmm, coldplay has some competition, it looks like. of course i said that about muse and now look at me, i barely even think about them anymore. but the difference is i felt depressed about muse taking coldplay's place because they just weren't.. i don't know... right. they weren't quite good enough. but craig nicholls' big jewish nose deserves all my love and more.

kill my boot: OMG
kill my boot: I LOVE thE VINES
kill my boot: ok sorry done
kill my boot: i just feel the need to spew the glorious news of my love, every so often

EvilRabidSheep: hey
EvilRabidSheep: whats "thevines"
kill my boot: hahaha
kill my boot: the vines
kill my boot: my new favorite band
kill my boot: GOD, they are so, so good

and in other news:

kill my boot: you know whats cool?
kill my boot: calling people "young jedi master"
kill my boot: at the end of like every sentence
EvilRabidSheep: it doesnt make any sense
kill my boot: yes it does
kill my boot: i'm doing my homework, young jedi master
kill my boot: young jedi, like spaghetti-o's do you?
EvilRabidSheep: you can call me master, you little padawan dick

Sacreductape: i'm gonna FAIL
kill my boot: uh oh..
kill my boot: what are you gonna fail?
Sacreductape: we have finals and i always do bad on the history final and i already have a d in history and i have a d in english so if i do bad on that...
Sacreductape: ack!
Sacreductape: NO GOOD
kill my boot: ouch..
kill my boot: no good at all.. man
kill my boot: let us all have a rousing chorus of "SCHOOL SUCKS MY SCROTUM"

EvilRabidSheep: the temptationsis the best musical group ever formulated

Sacreductape: that would blow
kill my boot: like nothing has ever blown before
Sacreductape: yeah
Sacreductape: in a bad way
kill my boot: totally
kill my boot: like, with teeth, or something
Sacreductape: very hard biting
kill my boot: yeah seriously
kill my boot: and maybe some mangling of the dangly bits
Sacreductape: yeah

hahaha. i love showing other people my conversations with my friends.

david's being really, really weird lately. i can't put my finger on it. i don't know what to do, you know? like, some things that have been going on lately make me want to just never talk to anyone who ever asks for anything from me ever again. i can't stand being pushed for something i don't want to do.

chris has dropped off my radar, in case no one else has noticed. right after i saw him on monday we just never talked, except for once when he was kind of cold and bitchy. which FURTHER reiterated my theory that BOYS ARE SMELLY AND STUPID, and I NEVER, EVER WANT TO EVER BE IN A RELATIONSHIP EVER AGAIN.


except with craig nicholls' jewish nose because I LOVE THE VINES

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