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i'll fetch anything!
<<2002-06-10 - 7:46 pm>>

i'm in a bad mood right now.

first of all i went out with my mom to get a wrap at the locah soup/salad/sammich shop, which made me very light-hearted. however on the drive there my mother complained about EVERYTHING and nagged me and ripped mercilessly at my cousins for no reason at all. that was no good. then she was just annoying because she acted like a weird old lady when we were picking up our food. on the way home i just zoned out.

but then when we got home, my brother's tutor guy was waiting there because my brother wasn't there, and my mother started whining about how me and dan are just SO irresponsible, why does she have to do everything around here? (which she doesn't.) so anyway, tutor guy was leaving when the phone rang and my mother made me run outside after tutor guy because she guessed that ringing phone = my brother calling to say he was coming home, which it was NOT and i knew it was not because my brother is kind of irresponsible. while i was gone and mother was picking up phone (which turned out to be her hysterically-crying-clingy-tragedy friend, sara, who is actually downstairs right this instant sobbing and moaning about something or other) and i was chasing after tutor guy, DOG EATS MY YUMMY SANDWICH.


i suppose i should be more sympathetic to sara's problem, whatever it is, but it's all her flipping fault that the sandwich i could have eaten peacefully is now within the confines of my STUPID DOG'S STOMACH. whereas if she did not have so many stupid problems, i could be EATING aforementioned sandwich, and it would be in MY stomach.

however i am greatly cheered by the presence of holly, who is teaching me about roddy from idlewild's hips, chris martin's marital status and how craig nicholls will kung fu her off the london tower once she goes to meet the vines in two weeks.

i would continue to work on the slew of templates i was so diligently slaving away at before my sandwich was ingested by my pet, but right now i am too depressed. nothing productive will come from me tonight.

*long, tragic sigh*

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