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<<2002-06-10 - 1:43 pm>>

roberta: my favorite scottish football watching jeff lover.
jordan: he's not scottish and he doesn't watch football but he LOVES jeff.
micah: i go to school with him, and he's going to reading/leeds. he promised to take pictures of matt bellamy's butt.
ashke: my fanfiction idol.
cory: he's hilarious or extremely fascinating, depending on your state of sanity.
top secret diary of mary chen: she amuses me highly.
pito wilson: look at thom yorke, twitching like a crazy fetus. it's exactly what he was born to do.

eric conveys an emotion: exactly as the title says, only somewhat funnier. (read: i peed my pants)
.sunrise.sunset.: dee-chan's GORGEOUS art.
tard art: mary chen's wonderful world of disturbing child's toys. this week: the hunchback of notre dame.

music sites (cos music = my life)
the state of coldplay: a very cool coldplay site. i heart coldplay.
howie day.com: cos howie day RULES.
fiona apple photos: a wealth of fiona apple gorgeousness!

side projects
futurism: my ramblings, writings, etc, that i didn't put on fanfiction.net.
writing: my ff.net writings. some of it i'm proud of, most of it i'm not.
everything's not lost: my coldplay shrine. nothing there as of yet, but it shall grow. contribute! contribute!
wallpapers: exactly that. wallpapers i've made.

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