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i'm not a hippie but i love you all
<<2002-06-11 - 9:30 pm>>

YES! oh gods yes.

i just got back from seeing howie day with my friend rachel. we got there at six and i bought an ASS LOAD of cds - tim buckley's "goodbye & hello", jeff buckley's mystery white boy & live at sin-e, and the ours cd "distorted lullabies" because i talked this guy who worked at newbury comics (local "almost indie" store) with bleached hair that was gorgeous and he said ours sounded slightly like jeff buckley. ours is a stupid band name though. too bad.

and then we saw HOWIE AND IT WAS GREAT. unfortunately we didn't see howie performing up close, but we heard him and it was beautiful, as always. howie is such a talented live performer, i wonder why he even bothers to go into the studio. but the whole not-up-close deal was ok because I GOT HIS AUTOGRAPH, and HE SMILED AT ME, and... and... yeah... i got a howie day poster and he signed it. IN SILVER PEN. i'll scan that later. then, um, frame it. im serious.

i was gonna steal his pants but i didnt get a chance, he was like surrounded by weird security people

but anyway he's not blond anymore, he has that "fledgling rock star" look- brown hair (which is his natural color i believe) and blondish streaks. he still has, of course, the chubby baby cheeks and adorable smile.

and anyway. that was so great, it totally made me high. so then me and rachel went out to the trident cafe and i got the most delicious veggie burger and a chocolate banana smoothie and that actually just made my night even better which i didn't think was possible but apparently it was. and we talked and joked around and i realized rachel is SO damn cool. yeah.

and then we went to newbury comics and i got a VINES PIN (which i'll scan for yall later) and an "emo sucks" pin and a "mods are wankers" pin and another one that didn't really make sense to me but i thought it was totally pee-my-pants hilarious, it says like "honky tonk white boy" or something. i'll scan that too because it's funny.

RetroDork76: HOWIE
kill my boot: yeah
RetroDork76: HOWIE
kill my boot: HOWIE!

me and lizzi really got into it:

RetroDork76: gimme an H! gimme an O! gimme a W! gimme an I! gimme an E! what does that spell?
kill my boot: HOT ASS?
RetroDork76: HELLS YEA

and i got the manu chao cd, "clandestino" which i've been looking for, forever, and i couldnt find it so now i am complete. arf. but i look forward to listening to it later because it makes me SO happy, totally.

so all in all, my night was 100 times better than any night i've had in months and months and months. and i hope you guys had a good night too because, yeah. i'm very happy right now. it doesn't take much at all to make me very happy.

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