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go read a book
<<2002-07-14 - 10:54 am>>

so anyway.

last night i had a dream about coldplay, and getting to the fabled coldplay show that i will never attend. basically it was just me rushing around before we were leaving to the show, and my mom being a total assface about everything. then we were leaving for the show and literally i was dying, i remember this terrible paralysing sense of urgency, and for some reason albert hammond jr of the strokes fame (surely one or two of you know his name) was sitting in the car next to me. then i suddenly realized i needed my camera very badly, because if i met chris, how was i to take pictures of him? how was i to remember every aspect of his godly body in severe, mind-crushing detail? (hahah, this is fun to write. i'm still a little delirious. i just woke up.) so my mom started making fun of me and just sort of ignoring me, but albert swore a bit, hopped out the car... and i assume he went to go get the camera, gentleman that he is, but my dream ended before that happened.

anyway, that's what i can remember of my weird, kind of upsetting dream. it was just upsetting because the whole thing i was soooo freaking... URGENT. i HAD to get to the coldplay show, i HAD to look good, i HAD to meet chris martin... it was all happening in my miiiind, man, but not in reality unfortunately.

anyway. this dude stuart (whose diary i've stumbled across before but not in any real substance) has actually met chris martin. i don't understand. i wonder, seriously, what would i do if chris just sort of went up and asked me for directions?

my friend was once asked directions by kevin and howie from the backstreet boys and her dog peed on kevin's shoe. on it or near it, i don't remember.

anyway. i was reading Q yesterday (i bought the one with the vines article and the track-by-track thingy about coldplay's new album) and in the vines article they actually had the BALLS to call albert a "NON-ADONIS". EXCUSE ME? i bet the writer was just jealous. pffft. not everyone can have a massive jewfro like our lovely ham.

anyway. i bought a LOT of cds yesterday, bringing my grand total of albums acquired in the past two days up to something like ELEVEN. jesus christ, i am going to save the economy.

i got jeff buckley's live a l'olympia (FINALLY), bright eyes "letting off the happiness" (it amuses me so highly when conor speaks), desaparecidos "read music/speak spanish" (haven't heard an album that good in SUCH a long time), and a couple singles like easyworld's hundredweight and the vines get free single. ahhhh. oh yeah, and the charlatans uk's new album. very, very VERY good stuff. all of it. the best one so far is sigur ros, i can't stop listening to it, it's beautiful. mwaahhh.

alright, this entry is over. go read a book.

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