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caution, contents highly retarded
<<2002-08-01 - 12:39 pm>>


this layout is for alissa. its conor oberst from bright eyes. please buy "fevers and mirrors." support your local omaha boys. HELLS YEA!

i don't think that made sense.

jenna and alissa are both away, working, arf. i'm talking to this guy and he's being just a little bit creepy. he seemed really smart but now he's just saying weird stuff and i don't really know what to say.

hmmm what else... not much at all, really. summer school ended yesterday and i got a ride home from some guy i didn't know.

i've been in a strange mood lately. perpetually. i guess when people get in moods they binge drink or binge eat but i binge CLEAN. i ripped down everything off my walls and threw away all my old junk and plan to start throwing away old clothes soon too. i'm leaving my "anime phase" and entering my full blown "hot musicians appreciation" phase. i have a big fat jeff buckley poster up on my wall and a weezer one too. i don't love weezer but the poster was free so ha. my walls look really strange, they're completely bare. i have to cover them with pictures. now. soon.

i also have a stretch of wall completely devoted to coldplay. after the september 17th show it shall be filled with pictures of me molesting chris. more on that later.

umm.. i think that's all.

i really like this layout.

writing retarded emails to alissa is definitely my new favorite pastime because she is just as insane and almost as retarded as i am. i love it. she's cool. i STILL haven't finished her gawdamn mix tape because i have really bad cds, and she's heard most of the cds i own anyway. that's the problem with making a mixtape for someone whose music tastes are exactly the same as your own. but it's fun. i'm gonna do cover art for hers too because she did art for mine. and i'll put in some other great junk.

my brother has his license and can drive now. god help us all.

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