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the sam bible II
<<2002-08-15 - 12:04 am>>


i'm at sam's again. i saw him perform earlier at this little italian place. he was pretty fucking amazing if i may say so myself. we got free food from this waitress that looked like mirah which was fucking awesome. food just always tastes better when you don't have to PAY for it. and sam was great... he dedicated his song "maggie" to me. haha. i fucking deserved it. and i even got a thank you note on the inside cover of his cd. hmmm. better not let this whole rock-star-best-friend thing go to my head.

it's my favorite topic of conversation:

lucyandrewearly: how was your day yo?
kill my boot: pretty furookin awesome
kill my boot: yourself?
lucyandrewearly: kick ass... what was so furookin awesome about your day?
kill my boot: let's see... well i saw my friend sam perform and got free food and then we went swimming in his mini-pool and now i've taken over his computer and he's sitting next to me writing music
kill my boot: sam's a ROCK STAR, in case you didn't know

hahaha... yes, that's what we talk about. all the time.

what he's playing now sounds really good. he's just totally pulling chords out of his ass and it STILL sounds good. i guess that's how life works when you're a genius... haha, that was... a joke... kind of.

after i saw him play, which was really nice, even though it was in some tiny little italian restaurant, we went out to this restaurant with two of sam's other friends from his old job (he was a counselor at theater camp, i think) called 'grogs' (don't ask... small country towns are fuckin weird) and ate more. i had this funny pizza on pita bread. i don't know... small towns... weird. and his parents paid. again, food is always better when you don't pay for it!

then we came home at like 10:30 pm and i donned one of his mother's 50's style white bathing suits with red polkadots. i was the height of style, and my boobs were falling out of the front of the suit. huz-zah. we swam around for like half an hour in the dark. that was fucking creepy. luckily his weirdo neighbors are away; sam claims he feels like they're watching all the time...

i dunno really what else to say... we haven't done much tonight and the way i feel about sam hasn't changed in any drastic way since i last saw him.

oh, yeah, since i've been designated to design sam's life for him, i've decided i'm going to write a fanfic about him. i wouldn't be breaking any of my own rules, since i used to write fanfics about myself and susan and started one with myself and jordan and technically sam is, after all, a ROCK STAR, so that's like five birds with one stone. it would totally work. no one would want to read it, but... yes... it would work.

well, i'd make his life totally interesting so everyone would want to read it. kind of.

in fact i'll start it RIGHT FUCKING NOW!

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